B L A C K O U T !!!!!!!!!

I hate Blackouts...
ARgh!!! The following are some of the stuff I hate: EarWigs, Blackouts, Celery, Pimples, and so on... Guess which one of them occured to me in less than 15 minutes ago? Oh, did my title gave it away?
Just want to tell you readers how much i hate blackouts, espescially when it happened during my "blog-writing" session. The actual topic i had in mind for tonight just 15 mins ago wasn't actually on blackouts. It was on Librarians instead.
If the Bloody Freaking malfunctioning did not occurred, i would have finished my epic tale about how a DUMB-ASS Librarian STOLE my candy away from me earlier in school.. Alas, that was not meant to be...
Anyone who has experienced a similar incident like mine will know how much anger i felt whilst in the darkness. I wanted to actually grab a coil of wire nearby and chew on it until it sucummbs and return me the hour-long blog that i had slaved for. I also wanted to hurl tons of vulgarities but could not, as there were no visible targets around. Then as sudden as it had dissappeared, I regained back my sanity when the lights came back on. However, I have lost my 'Librarian' blog forever...
Bye bye Blog, I will miss you dearly even though you have only been with me for less than 10 minutes...
Nonetheless, i will dedicate the remaining paragraph for you. The reason why i wanted to write an entire blog on the topic Librarian was as mentioned above. I was at the library with a group of friends in the late afternoon earlier as we had arranged to revise together for our exams later this week. I was minding my own business and was about to reach for my favourite super chewy, super delicious, all natural gummy sweets from Meiji, when out of the blue came this horrendous TROLL behind me. With a flick of her blistering hands she TOOK my beloved treasure away, and proceeded to holler in her siren-like voice: " NO food in the library! ". I tried to give her a sweet wrapping that i had previously also eaten and she responded with a " Please throw your own rubbish away "..
After that, the troll began to limper into the distance, while carrying my treasure in one hand and a severed student head in the other.. Psst.. Now i know where do all Librarians get their supply of food from... *EVIL SMIRK*

Very true...

LOL.. Tats called u DAMN SWAY LOR... Lots of ppl eat nvr get caught... only u so lucky..
Hehe..its either due to the fact that i actually had the sweets exposed for everyone to see.. OR its because that the Troll has super-human senses and could smell my sweets from afar... I kinda believe in the latter though (00.)
They should allow eating in the libraries, eating gives us energy to study!
No food in the library is completely crazy!
Are you scared of the dark? HAhaahaaaa
I should have just thrown the sweets away so that the Troll would not have a chance to eat them..
Btw I am NOT afraid of the dark!
I think... (00)
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