What a rollercoaster ride this Labour Day was!

(3AM - 5.30AM)
Was awoken by sheer heat, and found great difficulty trying to fall asleep. So I spent almost three hours infront on the computer reading articles. Guess I was too nervous and had anticipated this day a TAD too much.
(5.30 - 7AM)
Finally fell asleep, but it didnt last long. Was awoken soon after by a terrible nightmare, and discovered that it was raining cats and dogs outside. Definetly MY kind of morning to start the day with, cuz I love rainy mornings. Fell asleep again in an instant.
(7AM - 9AM)
Woke up. Washed up. Changed into fresh clothes. Left the place for breakfast.
(9AM - 10AM)
Had Roti-Prata. MMmm....
(10AM - 12PM)
Took a bus to Orchard after my breakfast, and wandered the streets for anything Spiderman to curb my needs. Found a couple of stuff, all pictured below. But I bought none, as budget was typically non-existant. Had to fight off need to splurge till my next pay. =(

(12PM - 1PM)
Had a major arguement. Harsh words were exchanged. Fists were flung. People were hurt.
(1PM - 2.30PM)
Kissed and made up. Walked all the way to Plaza Singapura for lunch. Bought a couple of magazines at Centrepoint along the way. Found out that The New Paper gave Spidey3 four and a half stars out of five, whereas 8Days awarded the film with 4 out of five. All these only added up to my intense need to watch the film.
Lunch was fantastic, we had the seafood platter for two at Manhatten's again. MMM...

(2.30PM to 3.30PM)
Had a haircut. Visited the Loo to empty ourselves before the movie. Bought drinks. Took some photos posing infront of the banner.

(3.30pm to 4pm)
Made our way into the theatre and settled down. Almost lost my wallet in there. Whew.
The show ended, leaving me tangled up with feelings. Mostly sad... =(
(6.20pm - 8pm)
Made my way home to woodlands and bought Burger King along the way to support their Spiderman promotion. MMMM... Although still feeling sad about the outcome of the film and also because now I have no more Spiderman to look forward to. =<
Hope that covers about everything that happened today. Anyway, I wanna talk about the film a little bit more.
Overall, the film lived up to expectations, well at least mine. I was worried that the action would overshadow the plot, as the storylines were something which both the previous two installments had exceled at. Alas, it was a huge relief to know that the film was handled so expertly well that everything that was left hanging from the first two films, have now been settled with. However, the ending isnt pretty. If you have been a avid follower of the films like I am, you will no doubt be saddened by the ending. There was alot of stifled sniffling and sobbing in the theatre, so bring along a tissue just in case.
I really liked how they handled the character development, espescially how they tie up everything. The action sequences are of course amazing to watch, I loved the climax especially beause there was so much at stake there, you will gasp and cheer at the same time for your beloved characters as they fight for their lives.
All in all, it was a 4.5 for me, regardless of many reviews that I have been reading lately. I feel that they had raised their expectations too high, and are fussing over every single detail that they deemed unfit. The film do have its times of being too "busy" with all its subplots, but somehow they do tie up neatly for the finale. A fitting end to the great trilogy, its a no-brainer that this film, like all the rest, is definetly a MUST WATCH!
I will be watching it again this friday at the Spiderman marathon. Wee!!

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