"Two Hearts", but where's Kylie? Edited*

Aww... I just finished listening to Kylie's new single, which will be available on the radio anytime soon. And to be frank, I was kind of disappointed with "Two Hearts".
First of all, it didn't sound like Kylie. At all. Zilch. It totally wasn't her style, and I couldn't really tell if she was singing or READING the lyrics...
Secondly, the song is much too short. I had to replay the song more than a few times to totally get the beat.
Thirdly, the chorus sucked. She sounded so husky and unexcited, that I felt very uninspired in the process. She coolly whispers/pants "I'm in love" in the song. Yet it sounded more like a question than a happy confession. "Im in love?" indeed.
Fourthly, the video doesn't scream out to me. Nor does it even tries to. Nothing in the video suggests that money has been invested in the almost 3mins long sequence. But she does look lovely though.
Sigh... So so disappointed. I had this inkling that she was gonna return to her "Fever" roots. Oh well, I will just have to wait and see how the rest of the new album turns out to be, when it is released in November.
Maybe a few more listens will get me hooked?
"Ooooh ooh ooh oooh.... Don't let go."
Edit : Well, I guess I have been a tad too harsh about my comments on "2Hearts". The song grows on you, and it is very unique and different from her previous releases.
I emphasized on "different" because I was expecting something as kitschy as "I believe In You", or as catchy as "Can't get you out of my head".
But, I guess change IS good in order to appeal to a broader audience, rather than just disco-haunting fags...

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