Guess who else, besides China, has joined in the fray

"ConAgra Recalls Pot Pies
By ANNA JO BRATTON 10.11.07, 9:40 PM ET
OMAHA, Neb. -
ConAgra Foods Inc. recalled all its Banquet pot pies and store brand varieties Thursday after the products were linked to nationwide salmonella outbreak.
The company included beef pot pies in the recall after initially saying only the chicken and turkey pot pies should not be eaten."
Some more quotes from the story :
"Salmonella sickens about 40,000 people a year in the U.S. and kills about 600. Most of the deaths are among people with weaker immune systems such as the elderly or very young.
Salmonella poisoning can cause diarrhea, fever, dehydration, abdominal pain and vomiting. Most cases are caused by undercooked eggs and chicken."
Undercooked eggs?? Omg, no breakfast is EVER complete if undercooked eggs are ommitted!
For the complete story, check out today's news at Google News.

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