
That's how much I forked out for a new pair of earphones. But it's not as though I had bought the twins in a moment of blind lust. Mind you, I actually did my 'homework' first...
According to CNet.com, the earbuds that made it to their top 5 list seem to revolve around some...rather, unsightly models. Examples are the very(emphisized with a huge !) expensive Shure SE530 Sound Isolating Earphones, and the Shure(again!) SE310 Sound Isolating Earphones.
However fantastic they sound to the human ear, sadlythough, both looks equally 'bleh' and resembles things that you can find at the "Pasir Malams"...
But, in the midsts of bad tastes, I managed to salvage a particular brand of earphones, which I am sure the majority have not heard of.
They are the models V-Moda Bass Freq, and V-Moda Vibe.
V-what?? Never heard of them too right?
After going through CNet's raving reviews on how well the V models sounded, my curiosity got the better of me and soon, I ended up drooling all over their stylish products(at least to me!) shown on their homepage, V-Moda.
Oh man, the moment I laid eyes on those Vibe babies(the Bass Freq models looked too ordinary), I knew, I HAD to get them! Plus, I think that the "hyper-dancey" tracks that kept playing and playing at the background of the webpage got to me as well.
Within seconds, I was hopelessly hooked to the earphones, like aunties to fugly LV bags!
Anyway, I digress. I soon made my way to the EPICentre at Wheellock Place upon news of them having stock of my babies. After some tries and testing, I paid for my V-Moda Vibe with an almost-exagerrated smile.
Alas, that crescent only lasted as long as it took me to reach Plaza Singapura, for I soon found out that my babies were born with defects! Argh, the left side was significantly louder than the right!
Before you can blurt "What-The-Melon", I was already back at the EPICentre demanding for an exchange. To my disgust, the skunk manager at the customer service counter tried to persuade me into believing that it is "perfectly normal to have unbalanced audio in earbuds".
Right... I bet it is as normal as seeing inbalanced-shaped boobies on the street.

Big, small.

Huge, puny.

Bouncy, droopy.
Wait, that is just plain freaky...
*cough cough* I digress, again. Luckily though, my extravagant reciept saved my ass. The troll immediately shut his trap upon realising that it costed me $179 for the crappy earphones!
Thus, I was handed a new set of babies! Within the same day too!
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I ended up with a pair of great-sounding, crazily-comfortable flashback chrome V-Moda Vibe(see main picture above).
Until tomorrow, I shall report on my tryst with my newly ordered Ipod Touch mp3 player when she comes.
And on that note, no, I have not succumbed to aesthetics. I merely chosed the Touch over my personal favourite, Creative brand, simply because of the circumstances involved in the purchase.
I am still, and always have been, an audio nutcase.
Which probably is reason enough, for me, to have bought the $179 earphones in order to make up for the poor audio, which is expected for the Touch.

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