Introducing...Ninja Platoon 4 Section One mates!
WELL WELL WELL, its taken me almost 3 to 4 mths since the last time that I have actually posted anything new here.. Haha, can't blame also lar, been very busy with being a Recruit mah.. Now that I have been posted to the AMMO BASE as an Ammo Tech, I finally found the time to actually sit down and share some of my experiences and pictures during my BMT days...
Haha, I can never forget my first day of enlistment man. I was nearly late for my appointed ferry trip because I had to take my breakfast with my parents at Tampines, so we had to hail a cab to bring us to the SAF Ferry Terminal. Upon reaching there, the guards taught me my first disciplinary lesson by asking me ever so "nicely" to tuck in my T-Shirt..

Me, my close buddies Rafe and Kelvin, on board the Ferry.
After we were escorted to the awaiting Ferry, we took out seats along with all the other enlistees and their families. Soon enough, the ferry started on its way from the terminal, taking me away from Singapore and to god knows where..
When the ferry finally reached the other side, I couldn't believe what I saw. Tekong Island was definetly not what I had expected, as it had looked and even felt like a huge Chalet to me. The soldiers brought us further in, and soon I was seperated from my family. I was later seated alongside the other enlistees which I had met on the ferry, and then following some simple procedures, we surrendered our PINK ICs (painfully of course) and then we recieved our individual posting.

This is my bed and my cabinet! "Neat" huh... =P

Stand-By Area sessions..
I was actually looking forward to this day, of having to spend my time on this legendary island doing important military stuff for my nation, with pride and a sense of accomplisment in my heart.. UNTIL I finally found out that I was posted to none other than NINJA Company!! My heart sank like a million Titanics, and I was in shock. How in the world did I get posted to one of the most 'Shiong' companies in BMTC SCH2?? HOW?? WHY? WHY?!

Games Day with my Section mates, WeiJian, YunLong, Jeremy and Shenmu. =)
Haha.. Siao liao lar, talk so much 'cock' already.. Better cut to the chase. Anyhow, my parents soon left me on this god-forsaken place to die, and I was handed over to the government and its minions in no time at all.
For the next 9 weeks, life took a nosedive for the worse, as well as for the better. Strangely, throughout all the inhumane punishments that were dished out to us day by day.. by day.. by day.. We as a whole platoon learnt to bond as a team, and each and every punishment only served to make us stronger and tougher, not to mention LEANER and more IN-SHAPE too.. HEHEHEHE...

Me and my pals again.. Great view at the back!

Me and my pal Melvin (^^)
I must admit, being a recurit is a DAMN tiring and mentally-stressful job ( Just imagine not being able to contact your love ones for a week during field camp.. Brr..). BUT, I also cannot deny that I have learnt ALOT from it, and that I have gotten to know alot of great pals whom I have depended on during my BMT. I really miss all the times we had, be them difficult or slack. The bond and closeness we had during BMT, we will most likely never be able to experience it again in the outside world..

POP day with my parents

My Platoon Mates having fun with a "Makeover"

Please... Get a tag board. I'm so easy to leave comments~~
eh... i meant lazy. Gosh. So lethargic.
Eh.. Where to get TagBoard arh.. Can show me when you are online? I'm so lazy to go search for it.. Hehe..
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