Feeling FAT...
Just had my dinner over at Seoul Garden...
The entire session lasted over 3 hours...
Feeling cheated that I couldn't get a slice of the pizza fast enough...
Feeling extremely guilty of being such a slob...
Think that I have to start exercising tommorow...
Wondering if I should read the books that I bought from the great MPH sale at Expo, or watch the Series of Unfortunate Events vcd which I "borrowed" right now...
Hoping that I won't get another nightmare tonight from overeating...
Woke up in fright and disbelief at the grisly and graphic nightmare that I had this morning, which ended in me jumping off a very very high building...
WOW, so many random thoughts... *BURP!!*
The entire session lasted over 3 hours...
Feeling cheated that I couldn't get a slice of the pizza fast enough...
Feeling extremely guilty of being such a slob...
Think that I have to start exercising tommorow...
Wondering if I should read the books that I bought from the great MPH sale at Expo, or watch the Series of Unfortunate Events vcd which I "borrowed" right now...
Hoping that I won't get another nightmare tonight from overeating...
Woke up in fright and disbelief at the grisly and graphic nightmare that I had this morning, which ended in me jumping off a very very high building...
WOW, so many random thoughts... *BURP!!*

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