No Longer 19... *Sob*

Cloud and Aerith, Amano Style
A panic rushed over me the moment I woke up just now.. I felt as if I had lost something very dear to me, as if it has been stolen by the strike of midnight last night. I know that I can never get it back, no matter how hard I try.. Unless I can travel in time..
Hmm, you must be wondering what that "Something" is right? That precious "Something" is actually...
The glorious number '1' in my age!!!
I am no longer 19, nor 18, nor 14, nor.. You get the idea.
From this moment forth..
I shall be known as....
Haha.. Remember Final Fantasy VII whom I was raving about in my previous post? Well, I can FINALLY watch the damn movie later in the day. Its about time as well, since I have been pratically tearng my hair, limbs, whatever that was protruding out from my body (*Gasp*) whenever I read on forums that people have been enjoying the show and reviewing it as gorgeous, and blah blah blah... hehe... =P

Do You Need a Trunk Monkey?
Do You Need a Trunk Monkey? I learned of the trunk monkey ads from my friend's blog smack my booty .
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Attack of the SPAMMERS! Woohoo!
I thought the movie was pretty mediocre :s
Please don't flame meeeeeee.
Haven't been here for so friggin long. Sch is so friggin busy. Argh!
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