New Enlistment Notice
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1pm to 8pm : Went out with my poly pals to town to "walk-walk" as well as discuss about our chalet at Aloha Changi next week. We then later walked to Sim Lim from there as I wanted to purchase a computer game. Too bad I couldn't find any copies of Unreal Tournament 2004 selling for decent prices.. Will go to Tampines' Challenger shop this weekend to try again.
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When I came home today, I opened the letterbox to find a letter from the Ministry Of Defence posted to me. Without any hesitation at all, I hurried over to one corner and frantically tore the letter apart. It was as if I was stark raving mad with a mighty hunger for whatever was inside the envelope.
To my utter surprise, the letter revealed a new date of enlistment assigned to me that I have not been expecting. When I went to submit my new Napfa results on Monday, the woman at the counter told me that I will be enlisted in July instead of June.
However, the new date that I have recieved today was light years away from July; I will be enlisted on the 7th of OCTOBER instead.
At first, I was quite happy on learning about the news because I have finally achieved my main goal of watching the concert. But the feeling of dread slowly sinked in when I slowly realised what all of this meant. Not only will I be starting much much later than before, I will also be ending my National Service much much later too.
WTF?! I wouldn't mind July at all... This sucks... Oh well, at least now I can simply sit back and anticipate the arrival of the concert without fearing for NS any longer... Heehehee... =P
Btw, I have just found out that the most expensive seats for the concert have been SOLD OUT! Wooooo... Heng I got my tickets alreadi... HEHEHEHE =P
1pm to 8pm : Went out with my poly pals to town to "walk-walk" as well as discuss about our chalet at Aloha Changi next week. We then later walked to Sim Lim from there as I wanted to purchase a computer game. Too bad I couldn't find any copies of Unreal Tournament 2004 selling for decent prices.. Will go to Tampines' Challenger shop this weekend to try again.
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When I came home today, I opened the letterbox to find a letter from the Ministry Of Defence posted to me. Without any hesitation at all, I hurried over to one corner and frantically tore the letter apart. It was as if I was stark raving mad with a mighty hunger for whatever was inside the envelope.
To my utter surprise, the letter revealed a new date of enlistment assigned to me that I have not been expecting. When I went to submit my new Napfa results on Monday, the woman at the counter told me that I will be enlisted in July instead of June.
However, the new date that I have recieved today was light years away from July; I will be enlisted on the 7th of OCTOBER instead.
At first, I was quite happy on learning about the news because I have finally achieved my main goal of watching the concert. But the feeling of dread slowly sinked in when I slowly realised what all of this meant. Not only will I be starting much much later than before, I will also be ending my National Service much much later too.
WTF?! I wouldn't mind July at all... This sucks... Oh well, at least now I can simply sit back and anticipate the arrival of the concert without fearing for NS any longer... Heehehee... =P
Btw, I have just found out that the most expensive seats for the concert have been SOLD OUT! Wooooo... Heng I got my tickets alreadi... HEHEHEHE =P

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