YOO HOO! I Have finally done it! WOO HOO! BWAHAHAHAHHA
Guess what? I went for my Napfa test earlier today in school with HUGE butterflies in my stomach. I was so nervous for the whole day that I felt like puking, because I know that if I don't get a Silver today, I will never get the chance to see the concert that I have been anticipating for the past few months...
When I reached the sports theatre, I met this malay guy who was dressed in sports attire. We then started to talk about the Napfa test ahead, and proceeded to do our warm ups and practices.
A while later, a third guy shown up just before the exam started. As I am simply too tired right now to go into details for the entire exam, I will just summarise some of the key points:
1) First one was the Pull Up section. Luckily for me, they allowed us to pull in whichever way we liked. Thus, I FINALLY managed to do a grand total of FIVE pull ups. ( I know its only five, but its what I needed to get that pesky Silver recognition)
2) Second was the Sit-Ups section. I easily breezed through this one with GOLD recognition as I was born with a stomach of steel... Hehee..
3) The third one was the STANDING BROAD JUMP, another segment that I am TERRIFIED of. Sadly, I wasn't born with Frog Legs, and so couldn't jump very far. But a miracle happened today. It was as if I suddenly weighed lighter than a feather, or maybe it was the strong wind current that carried me through the air as I glided and landed gracefully. Whichever the case, I managed to jump far enough for the score I was aiming for on my 2nd try.. PHEW!
4) The fourth was the Sit and Reach section. Eh.. Nuthing much to say here except that I got what I wanted again.
5) The fifth one was Shuttle Run. I was pretty nervous when this one finally arrived as I was afraid that I may slide and skid a little when braking to get the wooden blocks. Actually, I did slide a little later on, but somehow when the officer announced the result, I couldn't believe my ears; 10.4 Secs!!
6) The last one is easily the most feared of most participants; the 2.4 KM run. I was wasn't too excited for this one, nor was I afraid of it also. Easily to me, this could be one of my more confident segments for the entire test. Plus, today there was an extra INCENTIVE for me; I got to run the entire 2.4 KM with a HOT BABE running beside me and encouraging me to run faster. Come to think of it now, I dunno whether to feel honoured or sad because I was outrun by her.. Haha..
Here is a comparison of my previous results and my current results:
Previous Napfa:
One Min Sit Up - 50
Standing Broad Jump - 180 (><.)
Sit and Reach - 34
Pull Up - 1 (><.)
Shuttle Run - 10.4
2.4 Km Run - 12.18 (><.)
Current Napfa
One Min Sit Up - 43
Standing Broad Jump - 226 (00.)
Sit and Reach - 38
Pull Up - 5 (00.)
Shuttle Run - 10.4
2.4 Km Run - 11.44
Hehe.. Got improvement right? No thanx to the many late nights of Pulling, Stretching, Jumping, Hollering, Skipping, and Limping. Now that I have finished the test, I have been busy stuffing myself with food even as I type now.. MMM....
Btw the malay guy I mentioned earlier has also passed the test, with more marks than me somemore. But the other guy didn't, as he gave up during the 2.4 KM.. Sad huh...
Now, all thats left for me to do is to get a good night's rest, and bring the results slip over to CMPB next Monday...
KYLIE!!! HERE I COMETH!!!! (^^.)
When I reached the sports theatre, I met this malay guy who was dressed in sports attire. We then started to talk about the Napfa test ahead, and proceeded to do our warm ups and practices.
A while later, a third guy shown up just before the exam started. As I am simply too tired right now to go into details for the entire exam, I will just summarise some of the key points:
1) First one was the Pull Up section. Luckily for me, they allowed us to pull in whichever way we liked. Thus, I FINALLY managed to do a grand total of FIVE pull ups. ( I know its only five, but its what I needed to get that pesky Silver recognition)
2) Second was the Sit-Ups section. I easily breezed through this one with GOLD recognition as I was born with a stomach of steel... Hehee..
3) The third one was the STANDING BROAD JUMP, another segment that I am TERRIFIED of. Sadly, I wasn't born with Frog Legs, and so couldn't jump very far. But a miracle happened today. It was as if I suddenly weighed lighter than a feather, or maybe it was the strong wind current that carried me through the air as I glided and landed gracefully. Whichever the case, I managed to jump far enough for the score I was aiming for on my 2nd try.. PHEW!
4) The fourth was the Sit and Reach section. Eh.. Nuthing much to say here except that I got what I wanted again.
5) The fifth one was Shuttle Run. I was pretty nervous when this one finally arrived as I was afraid that I may slide and skid a little when braking to get the wooden blocks. Actually, I did slide a little later on, but somehow when the officer announced the result, I couldn't believe my ears; 10.4 Secs!!
6) The last one is easily the most feared of most participants; the 2.4 KM run. I was wasn't too excited for this one, nor was I afraid of it also. Easily to me, this could be one of my more confident segments for the entire test. Plus, today there was an extra INCENTIVE for me; I got to run the entire 2.4 KM with a HOT BABE running beside me and encouraging me to run faster. Come to think of it now, I dunno whether to feel honoured or sad because I was outrun by her.. Haha..
Here is a comparison of my previous results and my current results:
Previous Napfa:
One Min Sit Up - 50
Standing Broad Jump - 180 (><.)
Sit and Reach - 34
Pull Up - 1 (><.)
Shuttle Run - 10.4
2.4 Km Run - 12.18 (><.)
Current Napfa
One Min Sit Up - 43
Standing Broad Jump - 226 (00.)
Sit and Reach - 38
Pull Up - 5 (00.)
Shuttle Run - 10.4
2.4 Km Run - 11.44
Hehe.. Got improvement right? No thanx to the many late nights of Pulling, Stretching, Jumping, Hollering, Skipping, and Limping. Now that I have finished the test, I have been busy stuffing myself with food even as I type now.. MMM....
Btw the malay guy I mentioned earlier has also passed the test, with more marks than me somemore. But the other guy didn't, as he gave up during the 2.4 KM.. Sad huh...
Now, all thats left for me to do is to get a good night's rest, and bring the results slip over to CMPB next Monday...
KYLIE!!! HERE I COMETH!!!! (^^.)

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