Aww... Not feeling too well after a hearty binge... =(

KFC Graveyard... Can you spot the already coagulated fats? Eww...
It must be the chickens taking revenge inside me... Kicking... Forcing their way out, coz Im feeling like waste material right now.. Oww, it aches...
Anyhow, back to happier times, went down to Tampines again today to watch the Pirates... The first one was so much better, it had more exitement and it was much more fun to watch than this draggy piece.. However, Johnny Depp is still blardy terrific as Jack Sparrow...
As my tummy is aching, and I can't think constructively right now, I will just let my photos do the talking bah... Auf Weidersehen! Im off to wastage land again... =(

Leaving Tampines... Too bad I didn't have time to visit the Hokkaido Fair.. The place smelled of fish though.. =/

See that bus over there? Thats 168, THE bus that was supposed to fetch me all the way home.. I kinda missed it... Luckily I got a free ride home though.. Haha..

I was so bored on the ride back that I fooled around with my camera, and ended up with some colourful shots... Introducing shot number 1, I like how the signboard was captured like a jumbo of bright letterings...

Shot number 2; I call this, eh, The one with the Curly Lightning Thingies... ZAP!

Shot number 3; Ooh, this one looks as if the neon lightings is implemented onto the sky or sumthing.. So cool lor...

Shot Number 4 : This one's called, Home Sweet Blazing Home... My place's just around the corner.. Bright pweety lights... =)

Aww.. I look so smug.. and sleepy...

Wonderful and informative web site. I used information from that site its great. » » »
That's a great story. Waiting for more. »
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