My tummy is runny... Gosh, when will all the agony and toliet-flooding end??
Bleh! Ever since I downed all those red wine yesterday afternoon,
my stomach has been disagreeing with me... I somehow get this weird feeling that its trying to kill me or sumthing...
Plea to stomach : Oh tender one, please stop this pettiness and start digesting all those sashimi ingested earlier right away! I am terribly sick of visiting the toliet every other minute, and am also very fustrated with all those deep pains that you have been inflicting upon me all day long. I don't think the toliet can take it any longer, signs of distress and blockage are quite obvious now... Therefore, I must implore you to shed mercy on me and start producing solid wastes ASAP!
Other than the sickening feeling of rumbling in my tummy, I feel very touched by a certain someone's actions recently... Not only are you able to see past all my foolishness and pettiness, but you also took care of me like a king at times when Im feeling like a chestburster's about to explode out of my body.
I'm really sorry for what happened on Wednesday night. I admit I was too stubborn and petty to admit that the fault lies with me, which I ended up making you feel so disappointed in your boyfriend. I wanted to hug you and apologise to you so badly that night, but I feared that if I were to do so, you might reject me... Thas why I was so quiet all night, as I didn't know how to approach you...
Anyway, about last night, Im realy "paiseh" that things turned out like that. I guess I had too much of wine to drink, which led to me feeling so damn sick for the whole duration of the day. Thank goodness you were there with me, Im really touched by how understanding you were... I guess I must have looked like death-incarnate huh... A very whiny one too.
No words can describe the amount of guilt and bliss that I am feeling simultaneously right now, seeing you beside me. I will try my darnest to never fall prey to my own demons and anger you like so again. Thank you Dear, for putting up with me for the past few days. =)
Looking forward to your mini wisdom-tooth op tommorow. Haha...
my stomach has been disagreeing with me... I somehow get this weird feeling that its trying to kill me or sumthing...
Plea to stomach : Oh tender one, please stop this pettiness and start digesting all those sashimi ingested earlier right away! I am terribly sick of visiting the toliet every other minute, and am also very fustrated with all those deep pains that you have been inflicting upon me all day long. I don't think the toliet can take it any longer, signs of distress and blockage are quite obvious now... Therefore, I must implore you to shed mercy on me and start producing solid wastes ASAP!
Other than the sickening feeling of rumbling in my tummy, I feel very touched by a certain someone's actions recently... Not only are you able to see past all my foolishness and pettiness, but you also took care of me like a king at times when Im feeling like a chestburster's about to explode out of my body.
I'm really sorry for what happened on Wednesday night. I admit I was too stubborn and petty to admit that the fault lies with me, which I ended up making you feel so disappointed in your boyfriend. I wanted to hug you and apologise to you so badly that night, but I feared that if I were to do so, you might reject me... Thas why I was so quiet all night, as I didn't know how to approach you...
Anyway, about last night, Im realy "paiseh" that things turned out like that. I guess I had too much of wine to drink, which led to me feeling so damn sick for the whole duration of the day. Thank goodness you were there with me, Im really touched by how understanding you were... I guess I must have looked like death-incarnate huh... A very whiny one too.
No words can describe the amount of guilt and bliss that I am feeling simultaneously right now, seeing you beside me. I will try my darnest to never fall prey to my own demons and anger you like so again. Thank you Dear, for putting up with me for the past few days. =)
Looking forward to your mini wisdom-tooth op tommorow. Haha...

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