S is for Sims, K is for Ken, and H is for the Housekeeper! =P

The Chaos Family!
Haha.. Today passed by in a blur... Just to summarise, I have managed to accomplish the following:
1: Cleaned almost 50 percent of my room. Threw away alot of unneeded stuff in the process and found alot of space as a result. I then rearranged all my cds and books, and my Kylie Cds have finally gotten an entire drawer to call their own.
2: In the evening, I proceeded to the Woodlands Stadium for my scheduled exercises, but could not get in as a Soccer match was commencing. What rotten luck.. Luckily, I found a park nearby where I did some training for my pull-ups and my standing broad jump. DUN LAUGH, not everyone can leap like a frog you know...
3: The highlight of the day was finding time to create my very own Sims! This will be explained in detail below...
By the time I finally got started on Sims, it was already past Nine... LOL, I was wondering where most of the the day has gone to...
Oh well, I then proceeded to spend the next hour to create my two Sims; Ken Chaos and Housekeeper Chaos...

Introducing Ken Chaos! So young.. already so vain.. =P
The hardest part in creating my Sims was that I wanted to make Ken Chaos resemble me in the facial details. I spent over 30 mins manipulating just the eyes and the facial structure alone. Haha.. Sorry for the low resolution photos... I will try to post a bigger and clearer photo of Ken tommorow, in order to let you guys judge if he really does look like me. Haha.. =P

Introducing the guy who adopted Ken Chaos, the non-blood related Housekeeper! YESH, that really IS his name. He looks kinda freaky... My MASTERPIECE..
The 2nd Sim that i have created is the freakshow Housekeeper Chaos. Actually, I would rather do without an adult in the house, but due to the way the game functioned, I had to have an adult to supervise all the teenagers and children in the house.
Therefore, using my wildest imagination I conjured up this beast within the next 5 mins. If i didn't have a consience, he would have definitely looked TEN times more wierder... Just imagine humongous eyes that would put all anime characters to shame... By the way, Ken and the Housekeeper are in no way related. I mean, just LOOK at them?!
Sigh... I am already making plans on the ways that i will make him die, in order to allow Ken to live peacefully on his own... Any ideas? Haha.. =P
Below are some snapshots I have taken as the first day of their lives commences. Enjoy! =)

The Housekeeper on his way to work... LOL! In the hospital.. Haha.. My bad... =P

WHY?! Homework on the FIRST day of school?! Argh!

WOO-HOO! I've finally unlocked the secret pictures to the Babe-Watch video game.. *Drool*

Dinner-time! Notice the red box under Ken's legs? I was actually trying to purchase an oven when i took this picture.. Haha...

Dreaming of that girl whose name I've forgotten.. Damn, and we have just only met!
* Extra! Extra! Read all about it! *
My brother gave the game his first shot this afternoon and used a family of three that has been created already. I taught him on the basics of the game, and then left him on his own to continue with my chores.
Within the next hour, he suddenly called me to him. LO AND BEHOLD! What should i find but a kitchen oven being set on fire!? The poor Sims just stood there gasping and shrieking at the carnage like babies.
I quickly issued an command to the Daddy figure to extinguish the fire, but his efforts were at naught. The fire soon gain momentum as it spreaded to the kitchen tables.. Suddenly, at this very moment..
Came the car that was arranged previously to pick up the Daddy figure for his work. As i was a novice and did not understand the true power of fire, I actually asked him to ditch his family behind to leave for his work instead. Without even kissing goodbye, he ran outside and took the car in a split second...
ALAS! When he finally came back, it was too late. The entire kitchen had already been burnt to a crisp, leaving only charred remains of the fridge, as well as the ashes of both his wife and his daughter. (WHICH I have actually watched as they were burnt to death... Not my fault actually, cause the little girl stupidly dived into the raging flames on her own accord...)
He started to cry as he entered the house, with thoughts of his beloved in his mind. Out of pure exhaustion, he collasped to the ground and fainted. ( My brother later told me that he actually forgotten to allow the poor guy get some shut eye during the previous night )
What a sad day for the Sims! I hope my brother will learn a lesson from this, lest he wants more potential accidents to occur to his Sims...
* Extras section has ended *

So... When are you goin to post ken's nude pics? And his first Woohoo!
First woo-hoo will have to wait. He haven get his first kiss yet loh.
I will be targetting the long hair gal that he dreamt of in one of the pics.. She looks pretty.. But not up-close that is. Haha
Nude pics?? Don't they all look the same? =P
whahahah! sims 2 looks interesting! mayb u can kill the housekeeper....by.....not asking to read ani books on cooking. then he will die in flames cos the kitchen caught fire. do not attempt to call firemen pls. heehhe! or just......no food, no drink n no nothing for him will werk? *ponder*
Eh... There's always a nude patch. Hehe. And loads of trainers around. I have a couple myself.
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