Nope, thats not another new Radio Channel.. Nor is it the size of my waist, nor the length of my.. Eh.. Think I better stop there. =X
38.7 is actually the value of my temperature that was taken just five minutes ago.. And I was thinking to myself aloud earlier that the weather is surprisingly warm today, who knew I was the only one feeling this hot.. Thank goodness for the leave I took from camp tommorow, I must say I sure have good foresight man.. Hehe..
Anyway, I know I have been missing from blogging-action since last sunday, before I got posted into my new unit at TAD. The fact is, my morale has been at a new low all week, I was so bloody tired from having to sit at the same sofa in the crew room for the entire five days for 8hours per day, having nothing better to do other than to watch the flies zoom around my head. You wouldn't believe how many flies I saw over at TAD, its like they multiplies in the thousands every single day.. Damn irritating, just imagine having one land on your nose whilst you are asleep.. The word "Gross" wouldn't do it any justice at all..
Anyway, the week was realy horrible, even though I had worse days when I was over at M1 HQ building for my poly attachment. NOTHING can ever beat THAT.. Alas, the previous five days that I had werent a walk in the park either. I had no friends, no real company other than the irritating bugs throughtout the week. The food was terrible, some of the people looked very stuckup, and mostly I hated the 45mins long journey. The trip actually ate up $4+ for one day's trip man!! As if I am not poor enough..
To summarise the entire week : " Glad its over and done with!"
Haha.. After reading my rantings above, you must be thinking that Law's life is no better than a loaf of expired bread, unwanted and rotting away slowly.. Well, this is where you are WRONG! So wrong that no amount of deeds can do any right..
Today is the only day that I had eagerly anticipated for, mainly due to the fact that it is the weekend, but also because that I will finally have garnered enough cash to buy myself a brand new MP3 player! In between the free time I had at home for the past two weeks, I had been furiously selling off some redundant stuff in my room to others who are looking for a cheap deal. The response was overwhelming, almost 80percent of my goods were snatched up within an hour! Perhaps I should have revised my pricing a little more.. Hmm...
Anyway, what's done is done. I finally am able to cross off one more item from my wanted list today because I found a really good buy earlier this moring and I hungrily gobbled it up. Now the White Zen Vision : M player from Creative is happily sitting on my table, all charged up with tons of songs and videos and ready to go! Now I can happily watch my porno videos whereever I need to, in the comfort of any secluded area.. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

This is my life-support on the train man..
Thank god for technology.. Whatever will I do without it... Other than the fact that I would have saved myself $430 bucks today?
Nah.. Its all worth it.. =)
38.7 is actually the value of my temperature that was taken just five minutes ago.. And I was thinking to myself aloud earlier that the weather is surprisingly warm today, who knew I was the only one feeling this hot.. Thank goodness for the leave I took from camp tommorow, I must say I sure have good foresight man.. Hehe..
Anyway, I know I have been missing from blogging-action since last sunday, before I got posted into my new unit at TAD. The fact is, my morale has been at a new low all week, I was so bloody tired from having to sit at the same sofa in the crew room for the entire five days for 8hours per day, having nothing better to do other than to watch the flies zoom around my head. You wouldn't believe how many flies I saw over at TAD, its like they multiplies in the thousands every single day.. Damn irritating, just imagine having one land on your nose whilst you are asleep.. The word "Gross" wouldn't do it any justice at all..
Anyway, the week was realy horrible, even though I had worse days when I was over at M1 HQ building for my poly attachment. NOTHING can ever beat THAT.. Alas, the previous five days that I had werent a walk in the park either. I had no friends, no real company other than the irritating bugs throughtout the week. The food was terrible, some of the people looked very stuckup, and mostly I hated the 45mins long journey. The trip actually ate up $4+ for one day's trip man!! As if I am not poor enough..
To summarise the entire week : " Glad its over and done with!"
Haha.. After reading my rantings above, you must be thinking that Law's life is no better than a loaf of expired bread, unwanted and rotting away slowly.. Well, this is where you are WRONG! So wrong that no amount of deeds can do any right..
Today is the only day that I had eagerly anticipated for, mainly due to the fact that it is the weekend, but also because that I will finally have garnered enough cash to buy myself a brand new MP3 player! In between the free time I had at home for the past two weeks, I had been furiously selling off some redundant stuff in my room to others who are looking for a cheap deal. The response was overwhelming, almost 80percent of my goods were snatched up within an hour! Perhaps I should have revised my pricing a little more.. Hmm...
Anyway, what's done is done. I finally am able to cross off one more item from my wanted list today because I found a really good buy earlier this moring and I hungrily gobbled it up. Now the White Zen Vision : M player from Creative is happily sitting on my table, all charged up with tons of songs and videos and ready to go! Now I can happily watch my porno videos whereever I need to, in the comfort of any secluded area.. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

This is my life-support on the train man..
Thank god for technology.. Whatever will I do without it... Other than the fact that I would have saved myself $430 bucks today?
Nah.. Its all worth it.. =)

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