Bree Osbourne and a little game called "Final Fantasy"...

This poster cracks me up everytime I looked at it.. Haha.. Pure genius!
Today, I finally made my way down to Cathay Orchard to catch "Transamerica". I was pleasantly surprised that the personnel at the ticket counter did NOT ask for any identification since the movie was R21 standards... This must be due to two reasons; I must have looked pretty hagard for a 20+ yr old , or she was just plain lazy. I would prefer the latter though.. (0o.)
Anyway, back to the REAL discussion here.. The movie's premise was simple enough; it was about Bree Osbourne, played by the wonderful Felicity Huffman of Desperate Housewives, who was about to have his operation in a week's time, that would finally render his transformation into a full-fleged, biological-unrecognisable woman complete.
However, just as "she" was given the go-ahead from "her" Psychiatrist, something took her world by storm. A new revelation in her life was about to occur, as a phonecall reveals that "she" has a son, conceived with another girl who had only recently, killed herself. "Her" son is now trapped in jail, awaiting his father to come bail him out.
Reluctantly, "her" Psychiatrist held back her decsion to let Bree go on her operation, as she senses that Bree wasn't ready for her biggest decision yet. Hence, Bree is trapped with the task of settling "her" son down before she could continue with her destiny.
Without giving too much away, I will just summarise the show as both touching and heartbreaking. Sure, there were plenty of comedic events, as well as a slew of really funny quotes from the movie, but it was also really sad, but really REAL and humane. There were also so much taboo being discussed in the mere 103 mins, that your eyes might disappear from all that squirming. However, Felicity's character Bree in this movie is the highlight of the movie really. She pratically melts into her character and her performance is always spot-on, you would have never guessed it was her under all that makeup.. Brillant acting all the way!
After giving it plenty of thought, I decided to give it a rating of 4, because I couldn't stop smiling as I recall the events that took place back at Bree's home with "her" parents. "Her" mother was a hoot, and the way Bree relates about them to "her" son is simply hilarious!
The following are some of the most memorable quotes from the movie :
Murray: Your mother and I both love you.
Elizabeth Osbourne: But we don't respect you!
Toby: Your parent's house is a lot nicer.
Bree Osbourne: My parent's house comes with my parents.
Toby: Beauty is relative.
Bree Osbourne: Not my relatives.
Elizabeth Osbourne: Look at your life. You've never been able to stick to a decision. I mean, 10 years of college and not a single degree. How do you know you won't change your mind about this, too?
[brief pause]
Bree Osbourne: Because I know.
Elizabeth Osbourne: Don't do this awful thing to yourself, please. I miss my son.
Bree Osbourne: Mom, you never had a son.
Elizabeth Osbourne: [crying] How can you say such a thing?
Bree Osbourne: Now you know how I felt when you hired those private detectives.
Elizabeth Osbourne: [crying] We only tried to do the best for you.
Bree Osbourne: Is that why you tried to have me committed?
Elizabeth Osbourne: [shouting] You tried to kill yourself!
Bree Osbourne: Because you tried to have me committed!
Elizabeth Osbourne: I don't know why you have to be so emotional.
Bree Osbourne: [shouting] I am not emotional!
Bree Osbourne: God, my cycle's all out of whack.
Elizabeth Osbourne: You don't have cycles!
Bree Osbourne: Hormones are hormones. Yours and mine just happen to come in purple little pills.
Dr. Spikowsky: How do you feel about your penis?
Bree Osbourne: It disgusts me. I don't even like looking at it.
Dr. Spikowsky: And how about your friends?
Bree Osbourne: They don't like it either.
Transamerica wasn't the only good thing that happened to me today; Final Fantasy 12 finally hits local stores, and I managed to get myself a "friendlier" copy, if you get what I mean. Couldn't stop drooling on the train ride home, as this was THE game that I had been anticipating ever since years ago when it was announced. Finally, a real game with a real plot that I could sink my teeth into.. Alas, if only it wasn't in Japanese... Sigh..

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