Its one of those days again.. When I am totally clueless about what to write, yet this urge to type just keeps on bugging me.. Perhaps if I just keep on typing, something will be bound to come my way...
This is the last week of my Ammo Tech Course, and soon I will be a Ammo Tech Trainee no longer. Today, as I see my friends hop off the bus one by one, flashes of a scene equal to this one appeared in my mind, and I could remember them saying " See you NEXT year!" to me. That was about three months back, in 2005, right before the end. Gosh, time must have bought itself a rocket or something, cause it flew by me so fast that I didn't even had time to blink.
I feel strange though, at the fact that I was feeling abit sad about leaving and all. I know for sure that I do not miss the place, neither do I miss the god-awful food, nor the mountains of exams that I had to face. It was my friends that I missed the most, the same gang of people who first appeared to me as aliens on the first day of my course. Somehow, whenever I hang out around them, they make me feel like myself again. I was able to revive my humourous side after so long; the last time I cracked as much jokes was when I was still studying in Poly.
I know parting will be inevitable, therefore I must cherish every last moment while they lasts. Good friends are hard to come by, especially ones that you can blend in with so well. Will I go back into my shell again and hide once I get posted to my new unit? That I do not dare say..
But one thing is for sure...
I have found my topic for today's post afterall... =)
This is the last week of my Ammo Tech Course, and soon I will be a Ammo Tech Trainee no longer. Today, as I see my friends hop off the bus one by one, flashes of a scene equal to this one appeared in my mind, and I could remember them saying " See you NEXT year!" to me. That was about three months back, in 2005, right before the end. Gosh, time must have bought itself a rocket or something, cause it flew by me so fast that I didn't even had time to blink.
I feel strange though, at the fact that I was feeling abit sad about leaving and all. I know for sure that I do not miss the place, neither do I miss the god-awful food, nor the mountains of exams that I had to face. It was my friends that I missed the most, the same gang of people who first appeared to me as aliens on the first day of my course. Somehow, whenever I hang out around them, they make me feel like myself again. I was able to revive my humourous side after so long; the last time I cracked as much jokes was when I was still studying in Poly.
I know parting will be inevitable, therefore I must cherish every last moment while they lasts. Good friends are hard to come by, especially ones that you can blend in with so well. Will I go back into my shell again and hide once I get posted to my new unit? That I do not dare say..
But one thing is for sure...
I have found my topic for today's post afterall... =)

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