"One more night I Spend... To keep me, Thinking of you... "
Tonight will be the last night before the last day of my Ammo Course... Tml the debriefing will commence, signalling the end of the road for us trainees. No more classes... No more "fresh" cookhouse food... No more monkeys... No more bugs-squashing friends...
Crap! I am ranting AGAIN.
Just caught another movie, titled Anchorman : The Legend of.. Eh.. Forgotten the latter part of the title.. It stars Anyway the movie was chocked full of tasteless jokes, only a few of them made me chuckle out loud throughout the entire 90 mins.
The amazing thing about the DVD was, there was this whole lot of deleted scenes stored in the Special Features section, and most of them actually deserved to be retained in the original movie since they were FUNNIER than most of the jokes that were being screened. How strange is that?
Anyway, my score for the movie is only 2. Most of the jokes were really lame, and they all seemed to point to something either sexual or pointless. The only drawpoint about the movie comes from the astounding amount of guest appearances by stars such as Ben Stiller. Catch this movie only if you are truly desperate for some cheap laughs...
Crap! I have no idea what to write anymore.. Been thinking alot about MP3 players and going overseas for a well-deserved holiday.. Korea was the place we sort of discussed about, but I have always wanted to go to more westernised regions, like New York for example..
* This post is ended abruptly due to pure laziness on the writer's part. *
Crap! I am ranting AGAIN.
Just caught another movie, titled Anchorman : The Legend of.. Eh.. Forgotten the latter part of the title.. It stars Anyway the movie was chocked full of tasteless jokes, only a few of them made me chuckle out loud throughout the entire 90 mins.
The amazing thing about the DVD was, there was this whole lot of deleted scenes stored in the Special Features section, and most of them actually deserved to be retained in the original movie since they were FUNNIER than most of the jokes that were being screened. How strange is that?
Anyway, my score for the movie is only 2. Most of the jokes were really lame, and they all seemed to point to something either sexual or pointless. The only drawpoint about the movie comes from the astounding amount of guest appearances by stars such as Ben Stiller. Catch this movie only if you are truly desperate for some cheap laughs...
Crap! I have no idea what to write anymore.. Been thinking alot about MP3 players and going overseas for a well-deserved holiday.. Korea was the place we sort of discussed about, but I have always wanted to go to more westernised regions, like New York for example..
* This post is ended abruptly due to pure laziness on the writer's part. *

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