Pimples, party, and FIRE!!
Hmm... I have decided to make the "recaps" section permanent in all of my blogs entry. This section will basically summarise all the boring stuff that I did for the respective day. Therefore, you can choose to skip this section amd proceed to the more interesting stuff instead if you want to. Haha... =P
------ Recaps ------
10am to 12.15pm : Woke up to a game of Sims... Lol, I guess I'm addicted already...
1pm to 9pm : Went for work at Causeway Point Music Junction. Bleh... Was told that I had made more than a couple of errors in the placement of Cds on Monday. However, my manager also commented that my performance has been good overall.
9pm to 9.15pm : Practiced my pull-ups again at the nearby park. Felt both my arms ached to the point that they might fall apart at the sockets...
9.30 to 11.15pm : Lol.. Played Sims... I really AM addicted "liao"... (00.)
------ Recaps ended -------
Right... Time to proceed with the actual blog... Basically I have nothing much to write about, cept maybe give an update on how Ken and the Housekeeper have been faring. Hmm.. I guess today will be yet another "picture-intense" blog...

This is Ken up-close. Hmm.. do you think he resembles me? =P

This is the Housekeeper.. Up-close and personal! Don't you agree he looks kinda like the Pringles guy with that moustache? MMmm.. SOur creAm Pringles..
At exactly 6AM, the Housekeeper woke up to get ready for his job. However, he isn't working at the Hospital anymore... Instead...

The Housekeep has a NEW job.. in the ARMY. Lol... I love torturing him. =)
Haha.. Not my fault actually. Cause he happened to find this job in the daily newspapers which has a higher pay when compared to working at the Hospital.
Ken then promptly woked up at 7 plus, and when he walked out to get the daily newspapers...

He finally meets the person who has been delivering his mails... "Hi there!"
Afterwhich, he then attended school at 9am. But something peculiar happened today when he got home...

Ken brought his classmate River back home. I wonder what River is so pissed about.. Hmph!

"Take that for looking so pissed!! Hy-yah!!"

Enjoying a game of Snowboarding with his new friend. Lol, can you see the Housekeeper through the windows? He has just came home from work.
Ken wasn't the only one who had friends over. The Housekeeper brought a friend from the army...

The Housekeeper exchanging gifts with his new army friend.. Haha.. JOKING!
When evening arrived, the guests left. Ken then decided to test his cooking skills by preparing his first dish: Mac and cheese.
However, it turned out to be disaster. The cooking stove somehow managed to caught fire, leaving the two Sims in a state of frenzy. But luckily for me, my precious Sims did not end up in the same way as my brother's had. * Read previous post * The fire-alarm system which i had installed promptly alerted the nearest fire station.
In a split second, the fireman came and quickly put a stop to the raging carnage...

Lol.. the aftermath of the kitchen fire.. Notice the Fireman at the back? Haha..
The fireman told them to "be more careful next time", and then left. Ken and the Housekeeper then proceeded to "SAVOUR" the burnt dinner that was supposed to be Mac and Cheese...

Just look at that expression... PRICELESS!
The day soon passed, and Saturday arrived! The Housekeeper still reported for work in the morning, and without the adult in the house, Ken called over all of his friends for a party!
Sadly, only two managed to turn up for his first gathering...

Three is a crowd... Dare i say... "THREESOME"??

Ken finally makes his move with the girl of his dreams... LITERALLY.. * Read my previous post*
In approximately 5 mins (real time), the guest left with contentment in their eyes... Or so I was told, as the game ranked my party as highly enjoyable. Haha..
The Housekeeper soon came home, without the slightest idea about the party that had occurred... He then proceeded to pump his body up for the rest of the day by doing aerobics infront of the tv...

Ooohh.. What's that shiny blue thingy thats floating in the air? (o0.)
Before I forget, I bought a fascinating item using the Housekeeper's Aspiration points. Basically you earn these bonus points for fulfilling their wants and needs...

Introducing the newest and most important member in the family : The MONEY TREE. No, I am NOT kidding. They DO grow on trees.. Wahahaha!
The Sims then proceeded to bed.. However, one of them woke up to an absolute horror the following morning...

I spy with my little eye.... P-I-M-P-L-E-S!!!! Now wheres that acne cream?
Lol... I didn't add that part of the resemblance into Ken Chaos.. Honest! He really IS me!! Bwahahahahahahaha.. sad... =(
------ Recaps ------
10am to 12.15pm : Woke up to a game of Sims... Lol, I guess I'm addicted already...
1pm to 9pm : Went for work at Causeway Point Music Junction. Bleh... Was told that I had made more than a couple of errors in the placement of Cds on Monday. However, my manager also commented that my performance has been good overall.
9pm to 9.15pm : Practiced my pull-ups again at the nearby park. Felt both my arms ached to the point that they might fall apart at the sockets...
9.30 to 11.15pm : Lol.. Played Sims... I really AM addicted "liao"... (00.)
------ Recaps ended -------
Right... Time to proceed with the actual blog... Basically I have nothing much to write about, cept maybe give an update on how Ken and the Housekeeper have been faring. Hmm.. I guess today will be yet another "picture-intense" blog...

This is Ken up-close. Hmm.. do you think he resembles me? =P

This is the Housekeeper.. Up-close and personal! Don't you agree he looks kinda like the Pringles guy with that moustache? MMmm.. SOur creAm Pringles..
At exactly 6AM, the Housekeeper woke up to get ready for his job. However, he isn't working at the Hospital anymore... Instead...

The Housekeep has a NEW job.. in the ARMY. Lol... I love torturing him. =)
Haha.. Not my fault actually. Cause he happened to find this job in the daily newspapers which has a higher pay when compared to working at the Hospital.
Ken then promptly woked up at 7 plus, and when he walked out to get the daily newspapers...

He finally meets the person who has been delivering his mails... "Hi there!"
Afterwhich, he then attended school at 9am. But something peculiar happened today when he got home...

Ken brought his classmate River back home. I wonder what River is so pissed about.. Hmph!

"Take that for looking so pissed!! Hy-yah!!"

Enjoying a game of Snowboarding with his new friend. Lol, can you see the Housekeeper through the windows? He has just came home from work.
Ken wasn't the only one who had friends over. The Housekeeper brought a friend from the army...

The Housekeeper exchanging gifts with his new army friend.. Haha.. JOKING!
When evening arrived, the guests left. Ken then decided to test his cooking skills by preparing his first dish: Mac and cheese.
However, it turned out to be disaster. The cooking stove somehow managed to caught fire, leaving the two Sims in a state of frenzy. But luckily for me, my precious Sims did not end up in the same way as my brother's had. * Read previous post * The fire-alarm system which i had installed promptly alerted the nearest fire station.
In a split second, the fireman came and quickly put a stop to the raging carnage...

Lol.. the aftermath of the kitchen fire.. Notice the Fireman at the back? Haha..
The fireman told them to "be more careful next time", and then left. Ken and the Housekeeper then proceeded to "SAVOUR" the burnt dinner that was supposed to be Mac and Cheese...

Just look at that expression... PRICELESS!
The day soon passed, and Saturday arrived! The Housekeeper still reported for work in the morning, and without the adult in the house, Ken called over all of his friends for a party!
Sadly, only two managed to turn up for his first gathering...

Three is a crowd... Dare i say... "THREESOME"??

Ken finally makes his move with the girl of his dreams... LITERALLY.. * Read my previous post*
In approximately 5 mins (real time), the guest left with contentment in their eyes... Or so I was told, as the game ranked my party as highly enjoyable. Haha..
The Housekeeper soon came home, without the slightest idea about the party that had occurred... He then proceeded to pump his body up for the rest of the day by doing aerobics infront of the tv...

Ooohh.. What's that shiny blue thingy thats floating in the air? (o0.)
Before I forget, I bought a fascinating item using the Housekeeper's Aspiration points. Basically you earn these bonus points for fulfilling their wants and needs...

Introducing the newest and most important member in the family : The MONEY TREE. No, I am NOT kidding. They DO grow on trees.. Wahahaha!
The Sims then proceeded to bed.. However, one of them woke up to an absolute horror the following morning...

I spy with my little eye.... P-I-M-P-L-E-S!!!! Now wheres that acne cream?
Lol... I didn't add that part of the resemblance into Ken Chaos.. Honest! He really IS me!! Bwahahahahahahaha.. sad... =(

I so wanna punch Housekeeper. He looks like someone I know. Seriously.
Policemen are numbered in case they are lost! "Spike Milligan"
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