Stop thief!! Come back with that CD!

BAM!! Die crooks! Super KNN-Man is here! KAZAAM!!
Lol.. Just when I thought everything would go back to normal after the incident with the missing 100 bucks, something EXCITING happened earlier this afternoon.
* Story told from a third person pespective *
On the 20th of April 2005, Kenneth Law was minding his own business while at work in Tiong Bahru's Music Junction. Working together with him were his two colleagues, Jia Hui and "Jackeline". Not sure if I got the last name correctly...
All was well, with the normal student crowd starting to flow into the store during the early afternoon. At this time, Kenneth was walking around, staring intently at each and every student, making sure that none of them were secretly cutting out sensors or sliding Cds into their bags, while his other colleagues were tending to the customers at the counter.
Suddenly, without warning of any kind, "Jackeline" ran out the front door at the speed of lightning. Jiahui then called out for Kenneth from the counter and asked him to follow suit. It was apparent at this point in time that something was very wrong.
Sensing the danger at that point in time, Kenneth quickly switched over to his alternate self: The incredible Super KNN-MAN!! At the speed of light, he took out his red Crocodile undies and proceeded to change into his costume on the spot, much to the delight of the teenage gals nearby. However, just as he was about to "ZOOM" out the entrance....
ALAS! The culprit has already been caught and brought back to the store by the strong and brave Miss "Jackeline". The thief was a student in his teens, wearing his school uniform and in his arms he carries a textbook, as well as the stolen cd.
At first glance, he looks like any normal kid, with unkempt hair, thick black glasses, three eyes, four nostrils as well as a tail... However, when he started to talk, my heart, I MEAN, Kenneth's heart started to ache for the culprit.
He was stuttering and pleading with Jiahui to let him off. At some point in time, he even started to walk in circles and kneeled on his knees to beg. Kenneth soon came to realise that he wasn't a normal kid at all...
Nonetheless, rules are rules. The staff knew that they can't let him go that easily. "Jackeline" then headed off to call the Security Guards for asistance, while brave brave Kenneth stood firmly at the door, preventing the thief from escaping.
He begged, he pleaded, and he whined. At some point in time, he even tried to run off, but was stopped by the formidable roadblock in his path.. By then, a HUGE crowd had started to gather outside Music Junction; 90% was made up of nosey students gathering to watch the ongoing drama.
Soon after, the guards finally arrived at the crime scene. Like fly-swatters, their appearances started to disperse the "FLIES" that were blocking the pathway. They then proceeded to handle the incident in a very professional way; asking the kid for his particulars first, and then have his family informed and called over to fetch him.
Soon, his mother and elder sister arrived at the store to look for him. Like hawkers making a deal, Jiahui began to negotiate with his mother; If they were willing to pay for the stolen Cd, the Music Juntioners will agree to letting him go. However, the auntie firmly rejected the offer, saying that her son clearly did not have any idea of what he has done, due to his "incapabilities"...
The head of Music Junction was soon contacted, and he agreed on letting him go without any payment, on account of his disorders. Upon hearing this piece of good news, the auntie's expression changed as quickly as the weather. The lucky kid then proceeded to apologise to each and everyone of the Music Junctioners before leaving the store in a jiffy. By then, loud conversations of " Aww... No more show liao?" can be heard outside the store... Stupid Farkers man...
The poor Music Junctioners heaved a huge sigh of relief, and then proceeded to bitch to each other about the little adventure that has happened to them within the past 2 hours...
---THE END---
Lol.. I got something to add regarding the above event. Firstly, this is the second of two incidents that have happened to me within my first week at Music Junction. First there was the missing money event, which I was told to cough up 20 bucks for earlier today. And now this?! Can you even use the word " SIBEI SUAY "( DAMN UNLUCKY in chinese) on me???
Then, the next thing I want to say is about the Cd that the kid had stolen today. If it was a Kylie Minogue Cd i would say he has good taste, but a Oldies Compilation?! WTF did he stole THAT for?? Maybe his mum instigated him to steal that for her? Hmm.... I think there's more then meets the eye here...
ANYWAY, my very first Theft incident has been fun, exciting, as well as heart-wrenching at the same time. You will never know how a crime scene feels like until you have been through it yourself.
I can tell you sumthing after today; to be a police you REALLY need a heart of stone. Otherwise, you will be melting down once the crook starts to cry and beg for mercy. It isn't easy holding someone captive, espescially when you know that this person's future will be wrecked by you.
I really felt for the kid this afternoon, but there was nothing I could do. Luckily though, we didn't get the police involved in this, else the kid will have to say "BYE BYE" to his future just for stealing a Oldie Compilation...
Sigh.. My conclusion for today is: Working at Music Junction has been really fun and enjoyable for me. I'm really glad that I have applied for it three weeks ago.
PS : The uncle who sang the Michael Jackson song came to MJ again. Luckily, he only asked a few lame questions and left without causing any trouble this time around. My ears said "PHEW!".
------ Recaps ------
12pm to 9pm : Working "LOH"! What else...
9.50 pm to 10pm : Went for my pull-up session again. Found out that I have improved slightly. Can see my arm muscles liao also... Weeee! "Great work Kenneth! Keep it up!"
------ Recaps Ended ------

i hope i dont have such excitin events when i start work at gramophone. "-___- i'll die of heart attacks.
I bet you were checkin out the school girls instead of just seeing if there were looting. You sick poedophle:P
OH I got found out! Yesh, I am a "Poedophe"... Whatever that is... Bwahahahhaha!
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