Bye bye 100 smackaroos... "BYE BYE $$ !!"

Gone with the wind...
Sigh... Something terrible happened tonight over at MJ's... The Cash Register was found to be short of one hundred dollars! The most boring thing was that they might suspect me to be the culprit since I am still a newcomer after all...
Sigh... Why does this always happen to me?? I remember that when I started work at Mos Burger 3 to 4 years ago, the same thing also occured. The cash register that i was responsible for was missing exactly ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS too... What the fuck??
Luckily for the Mos Burger incident, I wasn't held responsible, as the staff had another suspect in mind; one of the managers always tends to report missing cash during his shift... So it might have been his dirty work again...
Sigh.. I really dunno how to face my colleagues tomorrow should they suspect me for the missing money... But the most important thing is that I know I have not never tainted my hands with stolen cash before.. My other collegues that have worked today might have to fork out the extra cash from their own wallets, as they had taken turns to use the register.
Luckily for me, I have not been taught on the basics of Cashiering yet...
------ Recaps ------
11am to 10pm : Been slaving away at Music Junction. Praticed wrapping and ironing the Cd Sleeves, as well as made several mistakes for misplacing the sensors in the Cd packagings... Went straight home after that... LOL, boring day indeed...
------ Recaps Ended ------

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