Man, I'm so sleepy...
Sigh, I must have entered my camp at the wrong time... Everyone seems to be leaving at the moment, gathering back their pink ICs and regaining their civilian rights all at the same time. And where does that leave me? Unfortunately, loads of work and responsibilites that are desperately in need of someone to be handed down to... Suddenly, I feel stressed out again, mainly because I seriously doubt my own abilities to carry them out smoothly... Old habits die hard...
How I wish I was working at Mos burger again, a place where I felt confident enough in what I do, simply because I am experienced enough to not repeat any mistakes that I had done. Haiz... Life isnt without its difficulties, if it was it wouldnt be as colourful. I guess I will have to handle this situation myself, since theres no chance that I could hide from it...
Sorry for all the ranting... I am still feeling drowsy from the lack of rest during the weekend... =/
How I wish I was working at Mos burger again, a place where I felt confident enough in what I do, simply because I am experienced enough to not repeat any mistakes that I had done. Haiz... Life isnt without its difficulties, if it was it wouldnt be as colourful. I guess I will have to handle this situation myself, since theres no chance that I could hide from it...
Sorry for all the ranting... I am still feeling drowsy from the lack of rest during the weekend... =/

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