To all MOTHERS reading this right now, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!
Something that I wanna add in relation to my title, just want to publicly apologise to my Mum. I shouldnt have bought you all those sushi which you had happily devoured last night, I didnt know they would give you a nasty tummyache early on Mother's Day.. Haha, so much for the "Happy" portion of the day.. Bleh! =P
Hmm.. Is it true that one simply cannot forget their first real love, no matter how hard they try? I was reminded of her again at some point today, the person which I would have gotten if I hasnt been so wishywashy when she was still with me... The biggest irony was that on the same day she declared us to be strangers again, I had actually fallen in love with her over the movie "Star Wars Episode 2 : Attack of the clones".. I still kept those tickets of that movie with me, even though the markings can be barely seen after all these years, they still give me a strange sensation whenever I hold them in my hands... Sigh.. Puppy Love... Once gone, forever yearned...
Over the past week, I have caught en entirety of only three shows, with the first one being I Not Stupid 2 which was mentioned in my earlier post. I think the novelty of watching movies have started to wear off, as I can already start to predict how most of the shows will end, however I still appreciate well-wrought plots that can still manage to surprise me.
The movie Crash is one such movie, thankfully. Even though I did find the entire racist issue to be quite cliche and bland at times, there were several moments filled with nailbiting action that left me sitting on the edge of my seat. The human dramas portraited in the show were very real, as you will most definitely feel for the characters as their lives goes through lots of turmoil and many problems will arise to teach them important lessons that actually rings true in the real world... Catch it if you can get hold of it, you won't regret your time spent. Rating : 4/5.
Poseidon however, is a totally different story altogether. If you were expecting something like the epic Titanic, then all I can tell you is, that you have expected TOO MUCH from Poseidon. The only thing that Poseidon has in common with its counterpart, is the idea that several people are trapped inside this huge sinking sealiner.
Other than that, pratically EVERYTHING else about Poseidon can go straight to the deepest bowels of HELL. Why do i condemm this movie so? Well, simply because of the fact that for a movie based on drama, its sorely lacking a "heart". There are nobody on board the ship that you would care well enough to wanna see them live through the ordeal, clearly the scriptwriters had treated all of them as fodder. If you can conveniently turn a blind eye towards the poor character developments, maybe you will be able to enjoy the numerous action scenes at least, although only a handfull of them can be considered exciting to watch... Grr, I should have saved the money on better movies like Da Vinci Code and X-Men 3 instead... Rating : 2/5.
Speaking of X-men, have you seen the numerous advertising measures taken to plug the movie lately? There are so many different trailers and sneak peeks, not to mention an exclusive 7min look at the movie released recently on the net.. Without asking, I am of course getting really excited for the movie's release on the 25th, being the X-men fan that I have been since young.. Although, I can't help but feel that the movie might not meet up to expectations as I do not know the new director and have never seen his works before... Keeping fingers tightly crossed! =)
Hmm.. Is it true that one simply cannot forget their first real love, no matter how hard they try? I was reminded of her again at some point today, the person which I would have gotten if I hasnt been so wishywashy when she was still with me... The biggest irony was that on the same day she declared us to be strangers again, I had actually fallen in love with her over the movie "Star Wars Episode 2 : Attack of the clones".. I still kept those tickets of that movie with me, even though the markings can be barely seen after all these years, they still give me a strange sensation whenever I hold them in my hands... Sigh.. Puppy Love... Once gone, forever yearned...
Over the past week, I have caught en entirety of only three shows, with the first one being I Not Stupid 2 which was mentioned in my earlier post. I think the novelty of watching movies have started to wear off, as I can already start to predict how most of the shows will end, however I still appreciate well-wrought plots that can still manage to surprise me.
The movie Crash is one such movie, thankfully. Even though I did find the entire racist issue to be quite cliche and bland at times, there were several moments filled with nailbiting action that left me sitting on the edge of my seat. The human dramas portraited in the show were very real, as you will most definitely feel for the characters as their lives goes through lots of turmoil and many problems will arise to teach them important lessons that actually rings true in the real world... Catch it if you can get hold of it, you won't regret your time spent. Rating : 4/5.
Poseidon however, is a totally different story altogether. If you were expecting something like the epic Titanic, then all I can tell you is, that you have expected TOO MUCH from Poseidon. The only thing that Poseidon has in common with its counterpart, is the idea that several people are trapped inside this huge sinking sealiner.
Other than that, pratically EVERYTHING else about Poseidon can go straight to the deepest bowels of HELL. Why do i condemm this movie so? Well, simply because of the fact that for a movie based on drama, its sorely lacking a "heart". There are nobody on board the ship that you would care well enough to wanna see them live through the ordeal, clearly the scriptwriters had treated all of them as fodder. If you can conveniently turn a blind eye towards the poor character developments, maybe you will be able to enjoy the numerous action scenes at least, although only a handfull of them can be considered exciting to watch... Grr, I should have saved the money on better movies like Da Vinci Code and X-Men 3 instead... Rating : 2/5.
Speaking of X-men, have you seen the numerous advertising measures taken to plug the movie lately? There are so many different trailers and sneak peeks, not to mention an exclusive 7min look at the movie released recently on the net.. Without asking, I am of course getting really excited for the movie's release on the 25th, being the X-men fan that I have been since young.. Although, I can't help but feel that the movie might not meet up to expectations as I do not know the new director and have never seen his works before... Keeping fingers tightly crossed! =)

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