X-ceptionally disappointing those mutants were...
Well, I finally caught the movie X-men 3 yesterday, albeit with very low expectations of the show having heard all the nasty comments targeted at it. Alas! I was STILL pretty disappointed with it. Lets face it, after all that HULA made on such a anticipated movie, surely the people in hollywood would know that they are treading on very dangerous grounds should they fail to pull this one off again, like how well the previous two installments did. Yet, what a failure this one turned out to be...
Okay, i admit that I was a little harsh on the words I used, but being the X-men fanboy that I have been since young, I would definitely expect no less from the movie based on one of THE most beloved comic series of all time. Come on, they have ALL the money in the world to produce this movie, yet they can't even afford to pay for better scriptwriters? Who in the right mind would kill off THREE fan-favourite characters in one single movie? Why should Storm be allowed to live anyway, since she has no direct impact on the story whatsoever at all.. All she could do was engulfed her eyes in white, and fly around blowing air.. Btw that first sequence of her flying through the air at the start looked so fake, can almost "feel" the cables dragging her along. Sigh, poor Mr Ruby-quartz, you sure died a meaningless death...
Man, i cant believe the movie turned out this way. I can still remember the immense amount of joy I had while watching X-men 2 at Plaza Singapure a few years back.. The moment when we saw that image of the Phoenix projected on the ocean's surface was simply priceless man... but in the part 3 however, she turned out to be just a carbon copy of Carrie from the horror movie, eh, Carrie...
The only shot that redeemed the movie was that one sequence where Kitty uses her powers to sink the almighty Juggernaut into the ground, and then lift herself up through it to taunt him face to face. Priceless man! And she was damn cute to boot. Just a note though, that same actress who did Kitty isnt that innocent anymore in another movie, titled Hard Candy, where she played as a not-so-simple teen who allowed herself to be lured into a Sex Maniac's house, only to capture and tie him up instead, and even threatening to cut off his jewels... Phew!
Ok, enough of the mutants... I just caught Red Eye on DVD and I found the movie to be so-so... Predictable plot, great starting, lousy ending, and pretty damsel-in-distress... Woo...
Zooming back to my life however, its not as predictable though. I think i have come to terms with this crush that I had haboured for this other person. I now believe that it will fade away with time, and that its really nothing of significance at all. However, it did somehow made me think about things, about the 2 years relationship that I have had.. I then realised, that I have nothing to fret over actually, as I already knew the answer to my problem all along, and it is that I would never give up my beloved for anyone else. No way in $%^# will that ever occur.... (",)
Okay, i admit that I was a little harsh on the words I used, but being the X-men fanboy that I have been since young, I would definitely expect no less from the movie based on one of THE most beloved comic series of all time. Come on, they have ALL the money in the world to produce this movie, yet they can't even afford to pay for better scriptwriters? Who in the right mind would kill off THREE fan-favourite characters in one single movie? Why should Storm be allowed to live anyway, since she has no direct impact on the story whatsoever at all.. All she could do was engulfed her eyes in white, and fly around blowing air.. Btw that first sequence of her flying through the air at the start looked so fake, can almost "feel" the cables dragging her along. Sigh, poor Mr Ruby-quartz, you sure died a meaningless death...
Man, i cant believe the movie turned out this way. I can still remember the immense amount of joy I had while watching X-men 2 at Plaza Singapure a few years back.. The moment when we saw that image of the Phoenix projected on the ocean's surface was simply priceless man... but in the part 3 however, she turned out to be just a carbon copy of Carrie from the horror movie, eh, Carrie...
The only shot that redeemed the movie was that one sequence where Kitty uses her powers to sink the almighty Juggernaut into the ground, and then lift herself up through it to taunt him face to face. Priceless man! And she was damn cute to boot. Just a note though, that same actress who did Kitty isnt that innocent anymore in another movie, titled Hard Candy, where she played as a not-so-simple teen who allowed herself to be lured into a Sex Maniac's house, only to capture and tie him up instead, and even threatening to cut off his jewels... Phew!
Ok, enough of the mutants... I just caught Red Eye on DVD and I found the movie to be so-so... Predictable plot, great starting, lousy ending, and pretty damsel-in-distress... Woo...
Zooming back to my life however, its not as predictable though. I think i have come to terms with this crush that I had haboured for this other person. I now believe that it will fade away with time, and that its really nothing of significance at all. However, it did somehow made me think about things, about the 2 years relationship that I have had.. I then realised, that I have nothing to fret over actually, as I already knew the answer to my problem all along, and it is that I would never give up my beloved for anyone else. No way in $%^# will that ever occur.... (",)

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