National Day, PARISS, NUM Slippers, and sleepless more nights.later.. Zzzzz...(--.')

WOOt! Has it been only a week since I lost blogged? Hell, it seems like an eternity actually, not that its a bad thing though.. Gosh, I have not been home for like 6 days straight, ever since I had my Saturday Duty... I think my computer misses me.. Aww...
Lets see now, what on earth have I been doing for the past week.... Hmm, duty in camp, cuddling, duty in Kallang, more cuddling, prowling at NDP, and loads more cuddling... Haha, sounds like a dream eh... Except that I feel kinda fat, what with all that eating and gorging...
I'm feeling kinda sad, now that NDP is over. No more duties and brainless work over at Kallang anymore, its back to camp for more stressful paperwork... Sigh, why is my ORD date taking so damn long... I think I must have had orgasms before just by thinking of my pink IC loh.. Mmm...
For all those people who have been watching the parade on TV yesterday, you guys must have thought that with a flick of the channel, its all over huh.. Guess again.
As "proud" NSFs taking part in the high level fireworks section, we had the honour of cleaning up after you. Just imagine having to sweep through an entire practice track for any pieces of fireworks left, and to pick up all the tiny pieces of burnt aluminium foil from the grass... For once, I kinda sympathized all banglahs... Bet they get paid more than what I am getting currently though. =/
Anyway, enough of crapping about hard labour, its time for pictures! Wee... Narration time!
Spent another fruitful day in town with you again, although we did walked some redundant distance because of you. Told yer we should have alighted at Orchard...

After scouring through town for a good dinner, we finally settled down at Takashimaya for a buffet dinner that consisted of Abalone that tasted fantastic with a dip, clams that looks mysteriously like dick-heads,Oysters that almost made us puke, crocodile bah-ku-teh that we didnt touch, and loads more expensive food. The stuff wasn't too bad, we noticed that one of the staff there named Stefanie was kinda cute for a butch... She was like stalking us for some reason.. Brr...

On the way home, I kinda killed several innocent entities... It was like a hit-and-run thing, luckily for me there was only you to witness the murder. Stupid snails are so useless eh, one big fat foot is all that it takes to crunch through their shell... Gosh, I think i killed them when they were in heat or sumthing..

(,") Haha.. Thanks for your accomodation during the past few days that I have been over. Although I did suffered from lack of sleep and weird bowel movements, seeing you again continuously every night feels so much better than orgasms lor.. Eh, did that sound right... I wish this wouldnt end, these feelings that I have been feeling lately... Just one word to describe me now : B-L-I-S-S-F-U-L... Because of Y-O-U. (",)

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