Phew, So Blardy Nervous... But its all for you. =)
Awww.. "TIME GOES BY, SO SLOWLY", my ass! Its already Sunday, and I still have not enjoyed myself enough with you. I am like, trying to hang on to every single second that passed us by, and trying my darnest to make the best out of them.. Grr, I hate camp... I hate clocks... I hate feeling so broke... I hate leaving you for home/work every Sunday...
Anyway, today's the 27th, which means yesterday was the 26th, which also means that yesterday was OUR first month anniversary. Yeah, I know its kinda cheesy to be keeping track of monthly anniversaries, but I think I'm mad, about you to let it just pass us by.
Haha, hanging out in town from "3 to 3" was tremendously fun, we shopped for rings, food, movies tickets and more food.. Phew, I can't see my feet... I think my thighs are in the way. =/
Erh, dinner at the Island Cafe was kind of lackluster though. Probably because the KL Style Fried Mee that I ordered was too ordinary, and the serving was like suitable for some anorexic freak. Your Soft-Shell Crab dish looked so much better than mine, it sounds much fancier too... Lets never go back again alrite? Haha.. =P
After the horrible dinner, we met up with Cheng for a movie at The Cathay Cineplex. The duo was pretty fun to watch, but the movie sucked. Too many one-dimensional characters, too much predictability where the plot headed, too little sex appeal as Hathaway strangely refused to show off her boobies, and Meryl Streep was very disappointing.. I expected it to be a smart and witty film, but it ended up being another cliche... Sigh, I guess I can only depend on Spiderman3 next year to get myself worked up over a film again...
Gosh, I can't believe I got drunk on just 4.5% worth of alchohol.. Sorry Cheng for showing you my "red" side last night, I think my face looked like the incarnation of a very red apple... Yikes... Haha, I like watching the both of you, your conversations never cease to make me burst out in laughter... Its been so long since I hang out like this ler. So fun. =)
Gosh, what I did last night with you I never did with anyone else before. It was so nervewrecking to open up my gap and say those things that I said to you... Your smile was priceless, and so was that moment when you accepted my proposal. Putting that ring on for you was like a dream, one that I can only picture in movies... Hope you liked the little gesture that I had been planning since the movie started reeling. I have never been more serious about somebody. And I do mean forever.
I will try my best to get that leave for the overseas trip alrite? The truth of the matter is, you arent the only person who finds it hard to leave the other person alone. I just want you to enjoy doing the things you like...
Gosh, what a horribly long post... So much thoughts flowing through me... So stocky I am becoming. =/
Anyway, today's the 27th, which means yesterday was the 26th, which also means that yesterday was OUR first month anniversary. Yeah, I know its kinda cheesy to be keeping track of monthly anniversaries, but I think I'm mad, about you to let it just pass us by.
Haha, hanging out in town from "3 to 3" was tremendously fun, we shopped for rings, food, movies tickets and more food.. Phew, I can't see my feet... I think my thighs are in the way. =/
Erh, dinner at the Island Cafe was kind of lackluster though. Probably because the KL Style Fried Mee that I ordered was too ordinary, and the serving was like suitable for some anorexic freak. Your Soft-Shell Crab dish looked so much better than mine, it sounds much fancier too... Lets never go back again alrite? Haha.. =P
After the horrible dinner, we met up with Cheng for a movie at The Cathay Cineplex. The duo was pretty fun to watch, but the movie sucked. Too many one-dimensional characters, too much predictability where the plot headed, too little sex appeal as Hathaway strangely refused to show off her boobies, and Meryl Streep was very disappointing.. I expected it to be a smart and witty film, but it ended up being another cliche... Sigh, I guess I can only depend on Spiderman3 next year to get myself worked up over a film again...
Gosh, I can't believe I got drunk on just 4.5% worth of alchohol.. Sorry Cheng for showing you my "red" side last night, I think my face looked like the incarnation of a very red apple... Yikes... Haha, I like watching the both of you, your conversations never cease to make me burst out in laughter... Its been so long since I hang out like this ler. So fun. =)
Gosh, what I did last night with you I never did with anyone else before. It was so nervewrecking to open up my gap and say those things that I said to you... Your smile was priceless, and so was that moment when you accepted my proposal. Putting that ring on for you was like a dream, one that I can only picture in movies... Hope you liked the little gesture that I had been planning since the movie started reeling. I have never been more serious about somebody. And I do mean forever.
I will try my best to get that leave for the overseas trip alrite? The truth of the matter is, you arent the only person who finds it hard to leave the other person alone. I just want you to enjoy doing the things you like...
Gosh, what a horribly long post... So much thoughts flowing through me... So stocky I am becoming. =/

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