Pui, this "mother-of--all-insane-films" trailer really cuts the cake, and swallows it whole!
Don't worry, it's not porn. It's just some crazy shit that will either make you chuckle loudly, or frown with worry at some of the sick minds out there...
Haha.. That Drillbra sure makes the past 1min 36seconds worth it. And whats with that Tempura arm?!
Oh please let singapore run the film here! I would gladly pay for that amazing bra stuff.
PS: Thanks Newborn for your weird gem of a trailer. It worries me though, how exactly your friend came upon the clip is beyond me.. =/
Haha.. That Drillbra sure makes the past 1min 36seconds worth it. And whats with that Tempura arm?!
Oh please let singapore run the film here! I would gladly pay for that amazing bra stuff.
PS: Thanks Newborn for your weird gem of a trailer. It worries me though, how exactly your friend came upon the clip is beyond me.. =/