Monday, May 29, 2006

Man, I'm so sleepy...

Sigh, I must have entered my camp at the wrong time... Everyone seems to be leaving at the moment, gathering back their pink ICs and regaining their civilian rights all at the same time. And where does that leave me? Unfortunately, loads of work and responsibilites that are desperately in need of someone to be handed down to... Suddenly, I feel stressed out again, mainly because I seriously doubt my own abilities to carry them out smoothly... Old habits die hard...

How I wish I was working at Mos burger again, a place where I felt confident enough in what I do, simply because I am experienced enough to not repeat any mistakes that I had done. Haiz... Life isnt without its difficulties, if it was it wouldnt be as colourful. I guess I will have to handle this situation myself, since theres no chance that I could hide from it...

Sorry for all the ranting... I am still feeling drowsy from the lack of rest during the weekend... =/

Sunday, May 28, 2006

X-ceptionally disappointing those mutants were...

Well, I finally caught the movie X-men 3 yesterday, albeit with very low expectations of the show having heard all the nasty comments targeted at it. Alas! I was STILL pretty disappointed with it. Lets face it, after all that HULA made on such a anticipated movie, surely the people in hollywood would know that they are treading on very dangerous grounds should they fail to pull this one off again, like how well the previous two installments did. Yet, what a failure this one turned out to be...

Okay, i admit that I was a little harsh on the words I used, but being the X-men fanboy that I have been since young, I would definitely expect no less from the movie based on one of THE most beloved comic series of all time. Come on, they have ALL the money in the world to produce this movie, yet they can't even afford to pay for better scriptwriters? Who in the right mind would kill off THREE fan-favourite characters in one single movie? Why should Storm be allowed to live anyway, since she has no direct impact on the story whatsoever at all.. All she could do was engulfed her eyes in white, and fly around blowing air.. Btw that first sequence of her flying through the air at the start looked so fake, can almost "feel" the cables dragging her along. Sigh, poor Mr Ruby-quartz, you sure died a meaningless death...

Man, i cant believe the movie turned out this way. I can still remember the immense amount of joy I had while watching X-men 2 at Plaza Singapure a few years back.. The moment when we saw that image of the Phoenix projected on the ocean's surface was simply priceless man... but in the part 3 however, she turned out to be just a carbon copy of Carrie from the horror movie, eh, Carrie...

The only shot that redeemed the movie was that one sequence where Kitty uses her powers to sink the almighty Juggernaut into the ground, and then lift herself up through it to taunt him face to face. Priceless man! And she was damn cute to boot. Just a note though, that same actress who did Kitty isnt that innocent anymore in another movie, titled Hard Candy, where she played as a not-so-simple teen who allowed herself to be lured into a Sex Maniac's house, only to capture and tie him up instead, and even threatening to cut off his jewels... Phew!

Ok, enough of the mutants... I just caught Red Eye on DVD and I found the movie to be so-so... Predictable plot, great starting, lousy ending, and pretty damsel-in-distress... Woo...

Zooming back to my life however, its not as predictable though. I think i have come to terms with this crush that I had haboured for this other person. I now believe that it will fade away with time, and that its really nothing of significance at all. However, it did somehow made me think about things, about the 2 years relationship that I have had.. I then realised, that I have nothing to fret over actually, as I already knew the answer to my problem all along, and it is that I would never give up my beloved for anyone else. No way in $%^# will that ever occur.... (",)

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Ugh... This is so mindblowingly... BORING

What's happened to me? Its like my social life has deteoriated to "nothingness" ever since the government reeled me into its bowels.. Day after day, I return home from camp only to find myself either locked infront of my monitor chatting or squinting at my television set watching Dvds after Dvds... Its like I have lost interests in everything, even playing a simple console game seems too much of a chore. I would rather watch the game play itself out, as I am only interested in the outcome of the story anyway...

Life stinks when you feel fat and useless like a lazy bum.. Right now I'm like repeating the same old routines every single day without fail, nothing seems to interests me anymore.. Yet the things that does matter to me seemed too distant and untouchable...

Haiz, pardon me for writing in cryptic sentences recently... Its just that I have some issues with myself that I need to think through for the time being.. Hope that watching the X-men strut their stuff this weekend would do me some good.. Tight leathers... Hmm... =/

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Is it gone? Is all that longing gone for good?

*breaths in* (><.") *Breathes out* Sigh........ I feel much better these days, especially after a certain traumatic incident that occurred last week, something that I cannot put into words here.. It seems that amidst the drinking I had last week, I have sort of come to terms with all the longing/lusting/wanting for that particular person... No matter how sweet the bearings, I am still not prepared to let go of what I had, or what I still have. Am I brave enough to forgo the future that I have already planned for this object of desire? I doubt so... But I would still sure as hell wanna know more about this particular person of sin... As a friend for the time being..

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Reminiscing about the past.. Via MSN History

Crappy... I should be sleeping right now, but instead, I have just gone through some rather old conversations that I had with an old crush.. The person still isn't online on MSN yet, I had actually waited stupidlysince a few hours ago...

After going through most of the highlights of our first few dialogues after only getting to know each other about 3yrs back, I realised that I had missed out on several opportunities to take the further step with this person...

Bleh! Why am I rambling about missed chances that will never come again?? Sigh, I give up, time to turn my com off and sleep... =(

Sunday, May 14, 2006

To all MOTHERS reading this right now, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!

Something that I wanna add in relation to my title, just want to publicly apologise to my Mum. I shouldnt have bought you all those sushi which you had happily devoured last night, I didnt know they would give you a nasty tummyache early on Mother's Day.. Haha, so much for the "Happy" portion of the day.. Bleh! =P

Hmm.. Is it true that one simply cannot forget their first real love, no matter how hard they try? I was reminded of her again at some point today, the person which I would have gotten if I hasnt been so wishywashy when she was still with me... The biggest irony was that on the same day she declared us to be strangers again, I had actually fallen in love with her over the movie "Star Wars Episode 2 : Attack of the clones".. I still kept those tickets of that movie with me, even though the markings can be barely seen after all these years, they still give me a strange sensation whenever I hold them in my hands... Sigh.. Puppy Love... Once gone, forever yearned...

Over the past week, I have caught en entirety of only three shows, with the first one being I Not Stupid 2 which was mentioned in my earlier post. I think the novelty of watching movies have started to wear off, as I can already start to predict how most of the shows will end, however I still appreciate well-wrought plots that can still manage to surprise me.

The movie Crash is one such movie, thankfully. Even though I did find the entire racist issue to be quite cliche and bland at times, there were several moments filled with nailbiting action that left me sitting on the edge of my seat. The human dramas portraited in the show were very real, as you will most definitely feel for the characters as their lives goes through lots of turmoil and many problems will arise to teach them important lessons that actually rings true in the real world... Catch it if you can get hold of it, you won't regret your time spent. Rating : 4/5.

Poseidon however, is a totally different story altogether. If you were expecting something like the epic Titanic, then all I can tell you is, that you have expected TOO MUCH from Poseidon. The only thing that Poseidon has in common with its counterpart, is the idea that several people are trapped inside this huge sinking sealiner.

Other than that, pratically EVERYTHING else about Poseidon can go straight to the deepest bowels of HELL. Why do i condemm this movie so? Well, simply because of the fact that for a movie based on drama, its sorely lacking a "heart". There are nobody on board the ship that you would care well enough to wanna see them live through the ordeal, clearly the scriptwriters had treated all of them as fodder. If you can conveniently turn a blind eye towards the poor character developments, maybe you will be able to enjoy the numerous action scenes at least, although only a handfull of them can be considered exciting to watch... Grr, I should have saved the money on better movies like Da Vinci Code and X-Men 3 instead... Rating : 2/5.

Speaking of X-men, have you seen the numerous advertising measures taken to plug the movie lately? There are so many different trailers and sneak peeks, not to mention an exclusive 7min look at the movie released recently on the net.. Without asking, I am of course getting really excited for the movie's release on the 25th, being the X-men fan that I have been since young.. Although, I can't help but feel that the movie might not meet up to expectations as I do not know the new director and have never seen his works before... Keeping fingers tightly crossed! =)

Monday, May 08, 2006

*Sniff Sniff*... Will popping ordinary Panadols do anything for my cold at all? Hmm...

Just caught the movie "I Not Stupid 2" on DVD just now. Overall, the movie was quite okay, there were some moments in the show that came close to being heartwarming, otherwise to me, its just another formulaic show thats being tried too many times...

One thing I would like to highlight about the movie though, are the deleted scenes found only in the DVD version. Most deleted segments found in other movies usually consisted of scenes that have been snipped off from the original cut, either for fear of spoiling the entire movie experience, or its simple because they are much too redundant to be included.

However, the scenes that I saw in this particular "home-brewed treasure" are another case altogether, as they are actually scenes from an entirely different version of the movie instead. From these scenes, you could actually tell that the producers have an entirely different take of the movie originally, as most of the dialogue were much funnier and more lighthearted then the version being screened in cinemas. I personally find it to be much better then the final cut, as I would rather they go back to their comedic roots, rather than try on yet another heart-tugging bore..

Rats... Both my dear and my parents are bugging me again.. One slight mention of an ex of mine put her into active volcanic mode. However, I was the one who did the actual eruption and all the spewing of hot lava over the phone. It didnt end in hugs and kisses I must add... Plus, the sudden appearance of an long overdue bill payment (courtesy of our local postman.. I must remember to set a dog loose on him in the future if i see him... grr...) kick-started my parents' engines too.. Pretty obvious what kind of conversation took place later right..

Sigh.. Life is nothing but "sweet" nothings and a couple of bills, aren't it? =)

Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Flu Bug has officially moved in once again and called my body their own...

This morning I woke up sounding worse then a family of frogs croaking. All the words that spewed out of my mouth didnt sound right, and often sounded like something repulsive. Repulsive is also the word that I can use to describe the things coming out not only thru my mouth, but from my nose as well. I was awaken several times last night coz I nearly choked on my own bodily discharge.. Eww... Nasty!

Man.. I feel so sick... And I have to be in camp in an hour's time to serve my duty as a very sorry NSman... The stupid MO that I saw yesterday in camp didnt bother to give me any medication at all, i suppose he wants me to heal the au'natural way. Either that, or hes pretty twisted in the head..

Sigh... Cough! Gurgle... *Spit*... Ewww... =X

Monday, May 01, 2006

Polling Day is coming soon...

Yet I'm only concerning myself on how I should spend the free 0.5 off day that I would be getting on the 6th...

Its been a long while since I last patronized my own blog, and having just cleaned my room, I suddenly felt some inspiration surge through my innercore, and so I wanna grab this chance to do something constructive while I still feel like it...

Firstly, i wanna commence this post with some utterly horrid stuff that I have always hated, yet never dared to voice them out in fear of being ostracized and looked down upon or even beaten up..

List of things I HATE as a human bean:

- My smelly scalp after doing duties ( I bet those taking the same transport with me hated it too.. Sorry guys..)

- Being the "Bobo" shooter of the range I had a week ago... That simply had to be THE longest day of my 20 years... Never felt more humiliated...

- Celery, you just GOT TO hate these things... Yuck

- Feeling fat... Well, its not MY fault that food feels good when chewed and swallowed...

- Inconsiderate A-Holes on the train who occupys more seats than they have to, although I do get it when some of them just have bigger butts than normal...

- Bills... Nuff said.

- Arguments that I cant win.

- Heavy Metal ruckus, "soothing", aren't they...

- Feeling hungry all the time.. Perhaps this has something to do with point number 4? Hmm...

- Never having enough time to do what I really want.. like updating my blog reguarly or watching all the dvds that i owned, at last twice.

- Clay Aiken, glad that hes nowhere in sight anymore...

- Bugs that fly through my window, and into my habitat. Like the one buzzing outside my windows right NOW... Grr...

Oh well, so much for that. This post seems to be filled with alot of hate doesn't it?

Today is Labour day, and I'm supposed to be outside in town right now with her. But I have been feeling really lazy lately, and today is no different. Right now our local cinemas is facing a drought, and even though there isnt any decent film in sight, there is simply no way I am going to spend my money on watching a "Hybrid Creature" acting cute in Aquamarine... No way in hell... I would rather watch mould grow on glass panels...

Hmm.. wat was the purpose of this post again? I have lost sight of all my aims recently.. And currently I am just typing whatever comes to mind. Sorry for all the irrelevant topics that you are reading...

Btw, I have finally gotten the green light from my folks to go pursue the Mass Comm course at MDIS that I have always wanted. In fact, they seemed to be even more enthusiastic about it than I am. The only problem right now is getting the funds that I will need to pay for it. Guess I will have to turn to the local LEGAL "loan sharks" liao, DBS perhaps? =/

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