Saturday, September 17, 2005

No Longer 19... *Sob*

Cloud and Aerith, Amano Style

A panic rushed over me the moment I woke up just now.. I felt as if I had lost something very dear to me, as if it has been stolen by the strike of midnight last night. I know that I can never get it back, no matter how hard I try.. Unless I can travel in time..

Hmm, you must be wondering what that "Something" is right? That precious "Something" is actually...



The glorious number '1' in my age!!!

I am no longer 19, nor 18, nor 14, nor.. You get the idea.


From this moment forth..

I shall be known as....



Haha.. Remember Final Fantasy VII whom I was raving about in my previous post? Well, I can FINALLY watch the damn movie later in the day. Its about time as well, since I have been pratically tearng my hair, limbs, whatever that was protruding out from my body (*Gasp*) whenever I read on forums that people have been enjoying the show and reviewing it as gorgeous, and blah blah blah... hehe... =P

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

ITS HERE!!! ITS FINALLY HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



After waiting for what seemed like a century, ( Well, 8 Years really came close, doesn' it?) the Final Fantasy 7 : Advent Children Limited Advent Pieces Box Set has FINALLY arrived from Japan!! Although heavy as hell, a huge sense of contentment washed all over me when I managed to lugged it home, plus there was the 500 dollars which I have spent on it too.. BLEH..

ANYWAY, what is left for me to do now.. is to simply RESIST opening it up until this Saturday arrives... WHY?? BECAUSE... its my 20th Birthday!! Haha, thus it will be some sort of an SIBEI EXPENSIVE present that I bought for myself.. * MUST.. STOP.. MYSELF... FROM... WATCHING... FANTASTIC... JAPANESE.. MOVIE... ARHHHHHHHHHH!!! *

The following are the characters which have left me spellbounded ever since I played the game for the first time around 8 years ago....

Cloud Strife the mercenary!!

Aeris Gainsborough the flower girl

Tifa Lockheart the BIG.. OOPS, I mean the Bartender

Barret Wallace the Avalanche Leader

Red XIII, last of his kind

Cait Sith the stuffed toy

Cid Highwind the foul-mouthed pilot

Yuffie Kisaragi the thief

Vincent Valentine the undead

The Turks! Elena, Tseng, Rufus, Rude and Reno.

Sephiroth the ALMIGHTY!!

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