Just caught the sneak preview with Keith and Mark at Causeway Point a while ago. I guess we had a mutual agreement that it was a great movie, and the robots in it are so damn lovable. But the humans in the movie are gross.
I am totally lost in my thoughts right now, slowly drowning in weird and familiar sensations...
I think Im a goner as of this point, I can't turn back, I have dived in too deep...
- 一心去追 愛那么可貴 -
The night was too fast, too short... How I would give everything up just to return to that exact moment as I gazed at your face, so peaceful and tranquil...
I had the honour of trying the first batches of cookies my brother made tonight. For a first attempt I must say they are quite good, although they did get sort of salty after I have had a few.
Nonetheless, they were quite good for a beginner! Yum! =P
Just a while ago, Ruixiong msned me a link to this really bizarre singapore blog... I wonder who on earth had the balls to create something like this in the first place... Just glancing through the entries made my skin crawl... Singapore Obituaries Blog
Thinking back about the events from last night, I finally realised the sheer gravity of the things that had happened. Wow... I so wanna do all that again when you get back. Im still grinning from ear to ear just thinking about us cuddling...
As my closest friends will know, I am a vivid follower of stories of the macabre. I have always enjoyed short stories that showcases the bizzare or the downright disgusting, but lately I find that it is almost impossible to find any books that matches up to the quality of yore.
Singapore Ghost Stories? Give me a break.. Edgar Allen Poe? Anytime!
It was until after watching the movie screening of "The Midnight Meat Train" yesterday, that my love for horror was somewhat revived after a long drought. Although the movie sucked ass, it had effectively aroused my interest in horror, and most notably the acclaimed director Clive Barker.
To be honest, I had never watched a single work of Barker's. But everytime I hear his name, I get reminded of bloody images from his movies like Hellraiser, The Candy Man, and The Illusionist. The pictures were enough to make me wanna gag, so I stayed far far away from the movies.
Here are a few captures to whet your appetite:
The Midnight Meat Train
Upon some googling on Clive Barker, I stumbled upon his books from 1984 to 1985. They were a series of short stories, split between six volumes published over two years. Here are two examples quoted from Wikipedia:
"Human Remains
A young gay prostitute is hired by an archeologist. During the course of night he stumbles into the bathroom to discover a Roman-esque statue of a man lying in the bath. Over the next few weeks he has the sense of being followed and being haunted by a doppelgänger. At the same time, his mind and body transforms; he becomes cold and lifeless, no longer needing to eat or sleep. He finally discovers his doppelganger, the statue from the bath, at his father's grave, crying in sorrow, while he is unmoved. It becomes clear that the doppelganger has become more convincing as a human than he is, and he wanders away, allowing it to continue living in his persona."
"How Spoilers Bleed
Several European men, led by a cold-hearted man named Locke, have bought land in the jungles of South America, uncaring that it is inhabited by a tribe of Amazonian natives. When the tribe refuse to move, Locke's cohort shoots one of them dead accidentally. The elder of the tribe puts a curse on the men which, one by one, strikes them down with a gruesome condition that makes their bodies incredibly delicate; a mote of dust can slice their skin open, the soles of their feet crack when they stand. After his men die off, Locke goes back to the tribe to beg for forgiveness. However, when he gets there, the tribe has been massacred by some of his other colleagues. Locke begins to suffer the symptoms of the deadly curse just as he realises there is now no way of having it removed."
Just reading the summariesalone is enough to make my skin crawl with anticipation... All I have to do now is grab myself a copy before my interests span runs out... Hehe...
Woo, last night was hot. Didn't know I had voyeurism tendencies in me, but I guess it was ok since we were at a club. Goddamn it, five days is too long to have to wait to see you again.
Omg, I'm so blardy hooked to this song... Love me love me love me love mee...
National Day was a night worth remembering.. If I can that is.
Blasting this song right now, and it's on repeat. Come on, join me!
Pardon me if my words appear to be nonsensical, or if they turns out to be utter rubbish. I'm still recovering from the night before...
On National Day 2008, I was different from most of the masses that crowded City Hall. Instead of moving towards Esplanade for the National Day event, I was trying to make way towards the opposite direction, elbowing anyone and everyone who tried to get in my way.
I went clubbing with a couple of friends, and returned home in the wee hours. Apparently there were so many other people who felt that it was a good day to club as well, judging from the tremendous showing last night. But perhaps unlike most of them who just wanted to enjoy themselves, I was merely using "clubbing" as a tool to drink, and in the process, let my undying guard down. But I will get to that later.
During one night alone, I bumped into so many familiar faces from the past. First of all, was my campmate, whom I never thought possible to show up where I was. Haha... This truly shows that I should never judge anyone by their covers.
Then I got introduced to someone who's connected to my past, in a sort of way. Apparently he's connected to my ex, but I cannot remember all the explicit details.
Lastly, with drums rolling, I bumped into my ex, whom I can't recognize under the dizzying lights in the club. Well, we talked and I'm very surprised at some of the things I found out from the short conversation. I hope I wasn't blabbering nonsense though, because Im trying hard to remember what words were exchanged between us.
And for the highlight of the night, with fireworks spewing into the vastness of the night sky, I finally got to taste you. Under the influence of the alcohol, I was finally able to open my golden mouth, and say and do things that I wouldn't normally do when the sun is still up in the sky. Though it was very brief and almost tooo short, I really appreciate the gesture.
Can't wait to kiss you again. The next time I hope I won't be needing any booze though. Booze costs money. Not that I'm cheap or anything. Hahahahhahaahaha... Im delirious.
Looking back now, I hope I did the right thing last night... Should I have been so direct about it? Or should I have buried it six feet under in pretence?
I really hope it wasn't a stupid move on my part...
I wonder, if you feel the same.
Kylie's songs always useful for times like these... Two of them are constantly on repeats since I woke up at 2pm today...
(Dun mind the irelevant images and the noise in some parts of the clip, there aren't alot of entries for the song on youtube, and the only other video is of Sailormoon...) There's so much I long to share For so long I've been too scared To show the way I feel for you But I know what I have to do So I'm just gonna say it, (say it) Love is like a game And I'm gonna play it, (play it) I hope you feel the same...
...I'm in, so deep Can't think and I can't sleep I'm high upon a tightrope and it always leads to you These days, I find, you're always on my mind I'm high upon a tightrope and I've got to get to you
Wonna take you by the hand When we touch you'll understand That there's a love I can't deny And it's too much to keep inside So I'm just gonna say it, (say it) Love is like a game And I'm gonna play it, (play it) I hope you feel the same...
I'm in, so deep, can't think and I cant sleep I'm high upon a tightrope and it always leads to you These days, I find, you're always on my mind I'm high upon a tightrope and I've got to get to you
No more time should pass us by dont ask how I know it but this time... Is made for you and I
Kylie-Your Love Open your eyes to the skies up avove Now is the time to express my love Want you to hear my confession You're my obsession Do what you will do but i can't help the way i feel for you
Your love's got me going around and around And it's taking me over Your love's got me tumbling upside down And i want you to know it Your love's got me going around and around And it's taking me over It's you you you, it's only you
Open your eyes to the skies and the sun I wonder if this day will be the one Want you to hear my confession You're my obsession Do what you will do but i can't help the way i'm wanting you
Your love's got me going around and around And it's taking me over Your love's got me tumbling upside down And i want you to know it Your love's got me going around and around And it's taking me over It's you you you, it's only you
It's taken everything i have To get to here You can crush my heart At any moment But i thought it best you know that
Your love's got me going around and around And it's taking me over Your love's got me tumbling upside down And i want you to know it Your love's got me going around and around And it's taking me over It's you you you, it's only you
Work has finally begun, and it has been fun so far. I got to know many interesting characters, whom I realised are also jokers just like me. Haha, jokers who sit at the first rows during classes and laughs loudly at the poor bald lecturer.. But it is pretty stressful knowing that there is sort of a quota to meet by the end of the year... Hope I do not disappoint by then...
Anyway, I had a pretty wild night with a couple of great friends yesterday... It started out with a nice dinner at Fish and Co, followed by the disaster "Mummy 3" movie at the Cathay, and ending with a "light" drinking session.
I was really surprised at the amount of liquor that i was able to consume in just one night, I do believe it was the most that I have ever had in one session... But strangely enough, I was still pretty conscious by the end of it, as compared to my past experiences... The best part is I did not puke at all.
Somehow, the night left me feeling vacant inside. It was fun and all, and I enjoyed myself tremendously... But Im really sad that it was over just like that. I was looking forward to it since the week before...