The Rant Post
Good evening ladies and more ladies, welcome to...
This entry is where i start to behave like almost every other blogger out there, who mindlessly churns out rantings about their own miserable lives, day after day after day...Without furtherado, let us begin...
Today, like any other days of my pathetic life, started out pretty horribly with me almost being late for my bus..As a result, I skipped my breakfast, only to waste $1 on three delicious curry puffs at the mrt station. As I had no more money left on me, I decided to use the ATM at the station, only to find out that the machine wasn't able to dispense any money at that moment... Crappy huh...
Then, upon reaching the Ammo School, I struggled to keep myself awake for most of the day, only to fall asleep at the very last moment.. We were actually supposed to be having Healthy Lifestyles (exercises) during that period, but it was canceled due to the lukewarm response it recieved from my class of only 11 students.. Thus, we had to sit in the classroom for the next 90 mins, and that is when the tragedy occured.
The sandman decided to play a trick on me by visiting me earlier than expected, and soon I was so sound asleep that no donkey or monkey can ever wake me up. That is, until my OIC decided to show up. His loud booming voice can almost awaken the dead, I tell you. He proceeded to scream bloody murder at us, particularly at those who had visited La-La Land... Like MOI...
Sigh... I was then herded unexpectedly with my friend to "meet and greet" our Warrant Officer soon after, and we were told that we might have to be punished for getting caught sleeping in class. With MALICE in his eyes, he warned that the OIC may want to CHARGE us for this attrocious act and that we had breached his trust...
WTF sia.. NS Personnels have no compassion watsoever.. Getting DB just for sleeping in class?? Is sleeping really on par with other acts such as harbouring Live Ammunition?? Can't believe this shit man... This is THE reason why I will never want to sign on to the Army, because I hate living in a world which governs its people based on RANKING.. Does it mean that you can start dishing out punishments as and when you like, simply because you have the authority to do so? Fark it man, grow a brain lar... You are only given this priviledge when you are within Army grounds, but when you are outside in the real world, I doubt anyone will give a shit nor respect to your colourful badges or uniforms, unless you are able to EARN their respect. And not making them listen to you by instilling fear into them...
NS Life kinda sucks.. And I have this HUGE exam tml which I have not even started to revise yet.. Oh well, I could always start within the next hour I suppose... PROCRASTINATION MAN!! I must be going nuts over my lack of sleep...
This entry is where i start to behave like almost every other blogger out there, who mindlessly churns out rantings about their own miserable lives, day after day after day...Without furtherado, let us begin...
Today, like any other days of my pathetic life, started out pretty horribly with me almost being late for my bus..As a result, I skipped my breakfast, only to waste $1 on three delicious curry puffs at the mrt station. As I had no more money left on me, I decided to use the ATM at the station, only to find out that the machine wasn't able to dispense any money at that moment... Crappy huh...
Then, upon reaching the Ammo School, I struggled to keep myself awake for most of the day, only to fall asleep at the very last moment.. We were actually supposed to be having Healthy Lifestyles (exercises) during that period, but it was canceled due to the lukewarm response it recieved from my class of only 11 students.. Thus, we had to sit in the classroom for the next 90 mins, and that is when the tragedy occured.
The sandman decided to play a trick on me by visiting me earlier than expected, and soon I was so sound asleep that no donkey or monkey can ever wake me up. That is, until my OIC decided to show up. His loud booming voice can almost awaken the dead, I tell you. He proceeded to scream bloody murder at us, particularly at those who had visited La-La Land... Like MOI...
Sigh... I was then herded unexpectedly with my friend to "meet and greet" our Warrant Officer soon after, and we were told that we might have to be punished for getting caught sleeping in class. With MALICE in his eyes, he warned that the OIC may want to CHARGE us for this attrocious act and that we had breached his trust...
WTF sia.. NS Personnels have no compassion watsoever.. Getting DB just for sleeping in class?? Is sleeping really on par with other acts such as harbouring Live Ammunition?? Can't believe this shit man... This is THE reason why I will never want to sign on to the Army, because I hate living in a world which governs its people based on RANKING.. Does it mean that you can start dishing out punishments as and when you like, simply because you have the authority to do so? Fark it man, grow a brain lar... You are only given this priviledge when you are within Army grounds, but when you are outside in the real world, I doubt anyone will give a shit nor respect to your colourful badges or uniforms, unless you are able to EARN their respect. And not making them listen to you by instilling fear into them...
NS Life kinda sucks.. And I have this HUGE exam tml which I have not even started to revise yet.. Oh well, I could always start within the next hour I suppose... PROCRASTINATION MAN!! I must be going nuts over my lack of sleep...