Colby! No no no nooooooooooo!!!

On a rainy, "early" afternoon...

I decided to fetch my dog back from the "dog's Home" and name it Colby. Its a golden retriever by the way if you are new to dogs. And its a M-A-L-E.

And this is my new rabbit. She is smart and wears specs like any normal rabbit does. Her name is Cheng. She is toliet-trained and is an omnivore. But she wont fit into any cages for some reason.. =/
Today, my post is full of s-i-m-p-l-e engrish. Because the right side of my brain has officially shut down, while the left side is threatening to combust. I may be traumatised by the amount of shit that I have seen and breathed in over the past three days, because my nose seem to be sensing traces of "poo poo" everywhere I go.
Taking care of a puppy is hard work, but its fun and rewarding too. I have never run this much since so long ago. I think I have lost weight. My hygiene level has dropped significantly. I have forgotten how to sleep past 9am. Money is scarce and precious. I am hungry. =/
Having a dog is fun stuff. Girls tend to shower you with praises of " So cute!" when you walk the dog. Its nice to be praised once in a while. Poo Poo is not so fun though. Especially when they poo poo in its crate and all over itself and the towel it was sleeping in. I will never forget that moment... Ever.
A message to Colby, my lovable Golden pup... Please learn to use the poo poo tray soon! My paper towels are running out!